Anna Wintour, the editor of Vogue, was the most feared woman in the fashion business BEFORE “The Devil Wears Prada” was released. Since then, people are even more terrified of her – especially young, up-and-coming designers hoping for recognition. Anna is known as a perfectionist and everyone around her expects her to find fault with his or her appearance. Maybe her desire for perfection is the reason she is such a big fan of photoshopping. Today a gust of wind came along in Manhattan and caught Anna’s hair in a moment of imperfection. Instead of blowing around her face in silken strands like her cover girls, Anna’s hair took on the unfortunate shape of a mushroom – or a wig. See, nobody’s perfect. Her dress is cute, though.
Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
Heel Napper
OMG! Strom is off his meds and posting as “Bill.”
You did this before as “Casonia.”
Little Heel Napper, Little Shelia, Little SandyRed….three blind mice of JCH!
Here we have 3 who are so jealous of Strom and his fame and success! 1% envy.
How many aliases is the little Call Center Heel Napper using?
Course, look at who Maria hangs out with. Wonder how long it’d take for them to get into the candy. As can you imagine hearing some little girl saying – the door was open and so was the box and bags. “It was them over there”!
I’m not bashing Maria. Just “where’s the Love for those little kids”. Ironically, I thought she was supporting an orphanage. But, from the way it sounds she’s just cutting a check for some to go to college! This kinda ranks right up there with Eric Claptons drug rehab on Antigua. Millions donate to it, but could they go there – probably not. As ya gotta wonder if they keep track of where every $20 comes from. When was the last time you heard about a success story of somebody going there. Were they some Hollywood rich kid or just some bum on skid row. As one needs a passport to get there. Eric & Maria should come together and buy a huge warehouse and on one side there are flats for his friends to stay at and on the other side of the building Maria could use all that open space for her Tennis Academy. Plus, there might be room store that candy – all locked away. Hence, put a video camera facing the door and see who in Eric’s bunch that can pick a lock with a hairpin. Just tell Maria, don’t leave anything lying around that somebody can steal… Hence, a clean warehouse.
If you ever see Maria tell her to build a few warehouse there and call it a Tennis camp. Where the youngsters have to bag candy as a part of their game. Like who use to offer somebody a Coke Cola after their game?
Imagine, NYC banning 32oz drinks… Better solution, just put the business out of business downtown with $15/Hr.
Strom nailed it… Look who sits next to her when she’s in town. Old Maria Sharapova, is she there for fashion advice or there as she’s on their payroll as well. Hard to believe so many people buy that over priced candy as it’s going to some kids in Belarus. Why are so many people funding something Maria even stopped visiting. (Outside of the USA, IRS doesn’t care). Wonder if there is a big Sugarpova sign out front or the place looks like a huge candy factory or warehouse as look at all that cheap child labor and they’d be learning a skill.
Hillary will love Anna…..they might even end up in bed!
Poor delusional Shelia….throwing spite but unable to ever find a flaw in a Strom post.
shelia c.
Strom you dumbass, you’re inaccurate everywhere you drooling creep
Strom is to be ignored. He has NO LIFE and is a sicko!!!!!!!
Heel Napper
Loser Strom with all the aliases. Do something worthwhile. You witless ninny. And, you are definitely WITLESS!
Here’s a clue: Nobody likes you because you are witless.
Some people can be handed a clue, and they’re still clueless.
Exactly like you.
She is too old for the job
Janet’s having fun–and making a sly dig: she probably knows Anna has been “strictly wiggly” for the last decade, at least. 😀
And she’s every bit as phobic as Andy Warhol was that some “rancid c*nt” (her words) might dare to snatch it off her head someday (poor Andy was not so lucky).
Hence, Anna has taken extreme measures (think cosmetic glue gun) to ensure that her rug goes NOWHERE without her say-so. She laughs in the face of windstorms, trust.
Do people buy magazines anymore?
Scum, end of story
Her great sense of “style” and “fashion” allowed a Kardashian to grace her cover. That is playing to the lowest form of trash and lack of style.
Nope, not at all. She is known as a wicked witch and not so successful as you tout. Maybe not as straight either.
If she were a man who was a perfectionist and successful, she would be lionized. The fact that she’s over 50 and still successful in the fashion industry, where wigs, extensions, etc. are the norm, is a testament to her talents! Shame on you Janet!
forrest gump
she hopes to be a professional teniis player once…………..AND ROCK THA CRADLE.
Gemma St. Ivens
Where is her broom and kettle?