Anderson Cooper graduated from Yale in 1989 and he went to work for Channel One in Los Angeles as a low- level fact checker. When he failed to get promoted on-air, he made a fake press pass and used it to gain access to film his own news segments, which he ultimately sold to the network. He did what he had to do – and it worked. Plus, he was REALLY adorable!
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he didn’t use the famous american method yet: DOING FREE BLOWJ*BS ALL OVER THE PLACE!!
If he had come out back then, he would never have been offered an anchor position on a major channel in prime time.
and he knows it.
Yeah right, Mitchell.
Nobody starting out in showbiz was coming out in 1990. Remember AIDS?
Rock hudson was the first to go………..officially.
Steve Canyon or Captain America or whatever the hell you’re calling yourself today: GO AWAY. You’re a disgusting pig.
Janet: You’re so right! “Adorable” doesn’t even begin to describe that face! Not to mention smart, funny, and enterprising. One remarkable guy!
Patrick, he waits until he is many many years into his career to come out. Nobody was out in 1990, but many were out in 2005, even in 2003 when he was given his own show. If he was out prior to that, would he have gotten that job on 360? Probs not.
That’s right, Will.
He has opened up the wardrobe door for a lot of his colleagues.
The times have changed Strom. It’s okay for you to ride the pride float and scream, “I’M GAY” to the world. Nobody cares. We all know anyways.
He is very cute. Very WEHO.
Is he a top or a bottom? I’m guessing the latter.
well he does a nice bottom
Love me some Anderson!
Breaking: Most people couldn’t care less if someone is gay. Only people with gay issues dwell on others being gay! Hello!
Gayer than Gay Gayerson in that photo. How could anyone think he wasn’t gayer than gay? They had to have blinders.
That said, he was gorgeous, then. Now, forget it.
I’m sure it didn’t hurt to have family connections or be the heir to a fortune either. He is a corporate media personality from the 1% for the 1%. He will never be in the league of Greg Palast or any serious journalist.