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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


This is what a walk in the park looks like today – but only if you live in New York. Amy Schumer and her husband Chris Fischer took baby Gene (who’s a dead ringer for Amy) for a walk on rather empty city streets during social isolation, to Central Park which was just as BUSY as usual! In fact, the park looks more crowded than ever, what with pedestrians and dogs dodging the scooters. Fresh air is good, but hard to come by in Manhattan, so wherever you are, consider yourselves lucky…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. becca

    elwood, you will rot in the Lubyanka, because that’s where I’ll have you sent for outing me as a Russian spy!

    Except since I’m not, all I know about the Lubyanka is from James Bond novels!

  2. Howard

    Something’s not right- they’ve scared all the pigeons away.

  3. Elwood Blues

    becca is a russian spy

  4. becca

    Hey pickupyoursocks:
    There’s no sense in wasting our time refuting your nonsensical comment, when you print BS like Stephen Hawking is a multimillionaire, when you know he died two years ago!

  5. Beachy

    Amy is an obnoxious pinhead.

    She needs to get on the phone with good old Chucky and tell him and that evil scumbag Nancy Pelosi to vote for the stimulus package. They are both greedy communists who care nothing for the tens of millions suffering right now.

    They are a national disgrace and should be given one way tickets to live in North Korea, where communism is thriving.

  6. pickupyoursocks

    Yes, I know… like all lefties, you have absolutely no sense of humor – I also noticed you didn’t refute my point, because you know it’s true. It doesn’t take much to melt a snowflake, does it?

  7. Dan Dan

    Janet, I CANNOT BELIEVE that you accepted advertisements for guns.

    pickupyoursocks, Stephen Hawking is dead, genius.

  8. pickupyoursocks

    Stephen Hawking is a multimillionaire; if he’s so concerned about greed, I’ll give him my address and he can send me his fortune! Same goes for Leo DiCaprio, Richard Branson Harry and Meghan, and all the other limousine liberals who are always fast and loose with the virtue signaling, yet never put their money where their mouth is. They want us to sacrifice and do without, but you don’t see any of them giving up their mansions, private jets, or luxury yachts – hypocrites!

  9. Liza with an L

    We are in danger of destroying ourselves by our greed and stupidity. We cannot remain looking inwards at ourselves on a small and increasingly polluted and overcrowded planet. Stephen Hawking