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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


For some reason we can’t get enough of Sacha Baron Cohen’s Ali G, and we never saw this hilarious video before. In this segment Ali visits a farm and encounters a veteran who also happens to be a veterinarian, which causes massive confusion. We find the combination of the sly Ali G and earnest Americans irresistibly funny.

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  1. Cleo

    Funny stuff. I can’t help but wonder how many times he had been belted across the face off camera.

  2. forrest gump

    well, WHO’S PERFECT, folks!!

  3. Patrick

    True dat, Pippa.
    Respect. Ah-ite.

  4. pippa

    Love it, but this was in vogue 5 to 6 years ago.

  5. Muffie!!

    I must admit Patrick, Borat, as well as Bruno, were hysterically funny!

    Cohen really is gifted in the comedy department. He and Larry the Cable Guy are in a league of their own. IMO

  6. Patrick

    I still giggle when I think of Borat showing the picture of his wife to the southern gentleman.
    The guy is a genius.

  7. Kitty

    I can’t stand this dumbass. His humor is lowbrow and very insulting. I wish the bastard would just go away.

  8. Denise

    That poor vet. Looks like he’s talking to one of his patients. Maybe if he offered to express Ali G’s anal glands he’s understand.