Photo Credit: Splash News

Cute American Idol runner-up Adam Lambert looks perfectly happy in New York as he visits one morning show after another. The shock of his losing the top spot on Idol to Kris Allen has barely subsided, and theories on WHY it happened abound. We tend to blame the eyeliner. It was too much for middle America.

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  1. And remember, she will be crowned if the winner can't fulfill her duties. says:

    I like her snakeskin boots!

  2. My friend’s teenage daughter told me that only old people voted for Adam and the young voted for Kris. Had nothing to do with eyeliner..

  3. Even the homosexuals thought the eyeliner was too gay. Adam did what the AI producers told him to do to try and create controversy by being a flaming homosexual. It didn’t work and I am sure Adam is furious for having to do so. REgardless, there will are some big flamers in the music biz that want a piece of Adam so he’ll be taken care of as long as he play ball and plays with their balls.

  4. What is it with Janet? Is she the OFH? Original F*g hag?

  5. I thought for sure that the faggots would vote Adam in. I think homosexuality is a sin, but I also think Adam has a much better voice than Kris. Adam will get the record deals and Kris will fall by the wayside. Apparently, America did not want to vote in a faggot. Maybe Clay Aiken (alo a runner-up) could get together, making a CD together (or together as in lovers).

  6. I am happy for Adam; he doesn’t have to record that corny song “No Boundaries”

  7. Adam’s musical style is from the ’80’s and ’90’s — I didn’t even know Kiss was still together (did they just reunite for AI?) AND I thought Queen died with Freddie Mercury. I think that was Adam’s downfall. He’d probably be good for a show in Vegas, though.
    Chris may or may not do well (can you say “Ruben Studdard”?) but if he does, it’ll be in country or Christian contemporary music. There’s a lot more of those types out there than we may think.
    I sure do hope the AI producers leave politics and sexual preference out of the contest next year and let the music and the contestants do their thing!

  8. Americans are bigots. Plain and simple. Stop the H8.

  9. screaming is not singing, that’s why adam lost. get over it .

  10. A guy who is waving & smiling like this? YOU FEEL DIARRHOEA COMING UP, folks!!

  11. To all Dunderheads that think Christians hate faggots: This is untrue. Christians realize that all have sinned….homosexuality being one of them. The Bible says all must repent and turn from their sins……that is repent from cursing, stealing, homosexuality, etc. and turn from their sins, accept Jesus as their one and only Saviour, be saved. Then their names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. Otherwise, what awaits for the unsaved is the Lake of Fire.

  12. ^^^ “He knows when you are sleeping, he knows when you’re awake, he knows when you are bad or good, so be good for goodness’ sake!”

  13. Over-the-top warbling and screeching is what did him in.

  14. They had such differences in vocal style, that I don’t know how people can say he lost only because he was gay. People liked the way Kris sang, and not the way Adam sang. Why does there have to be a controversy? I think it’s manufactured. Have a great day everyone!

  15. They had such differences in vocal style, that I don’t know how people can say he lost only because he was gay. People liked the way Kris sang, and not the way Adam sang. Why does there have to be a controversy? I think it’s manufactured. Have a great day everyone!

  16. What the eff “gerard Vandenberg”?!? Quit being such a douche, pick up a dictionary and learn how to spell for crying out loud! While you’re at it, why don’t you get yourself a grasp of the English language so the rest of us poor saps who end up reading your comments know what the hell you’re talking about. Christ, you’re an idiot.

  17. Glad Lambo has so many legends as friends and fans. He should move here to London. Epic voice & performer.

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