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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Ex-convict Cameron Douglas, 38, reminds us of Riz Ahmed’s character in The Night Of. When he went into prison around 8 years ago, he was kind of pasty looking with glasses. When he was paroled he was a whole new person- all muscle and covered with tattoos. Has he changed INSIDE as much as he did outside? He’s quite a ladies man – while incarcerated his then-girlfriend smuggled drugs to him and his female lawyer did also. That got him more time. In June he tested positive for marijuana. He’s been out for a year and already hooked up with a yoga instructor who is pregnant with his child.

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. Paula

    Yeah right!

  2. Lauren Phillips

    what a dirt bag

  3. limpy

    he likes tattoos now?

  4. susieserb

    screws the weights it’s HIS LAWYER smuggling drugs in for him that really pisses me off.

  5. Giuliana De Pandi-Rancid

    Interesting how his life seems to have paralleled that of his uncle’s–Michael’s ne’er do well younger brother–who died of a drug overdose some years ago.

  6. Dan Dan


    There are other ways to do that besides building muscular criminals.

  7. CoCo

    Yes, but it is also potentially a really positive lesson about discipline and not expecting instant rewards in life.

  8. Dan Dan

    You gotta wonder about supplying inmates with weight rooms. It just builds stronger criminals.