The National Enquirer dropped a BOMBSHELL today and it was almost like old times! The tabloid says Richard Simmons, 68, has been out of sight because he’s been having hormone treatments and secret surgeries to turn himself into a WOMAN! That explains a LOT! They claim he is now living as a female and calling himself Fiona. The Enquirer says lately he’s been going in and out of his house totally unrecognized. (She might be the woman next to you in the supermarket!) Apparently they have juicy photos to illustrate the story. And this scoop could easily be TRUE – remember the Enquirer wrote about Bruce Jenner having a sex change for YEARS before it happened! And the fact that the Enquirer’s lawyers okayed this headline story is another indication that it’s most likely accurate. If Richard wants to live as a woman – you go, girl! Live and let live! Can a reality show be far behind?
I’m with you, Janet! If this is what Simmons wants to do, who is he hurting? I say that he should go for it. As you know, we worked together in the mid-1980s, and it was then that someone called the office and SWORE to us that Bruce Jenner was transitioning. We couldn’t get anyone else to back up the story, and Jenner, of course, denied it, so, we couldn’t print it. The fact that the NE lawyers have let this get through tells me that yes, it must be true. We will know more in a year from now. 🙂
I see
This is the latest fad for middle age men.
Maybe he could turn into a mare and be screwed by a real stallion… would ‘it’ then be happy? What has this country become! ?
America is sick
Another sad demented individual living in a fantasy world.
red bull racing
another american freak dying for attention?
Was this man once famous ?
Another man pushing 70 who decides to become a woman? Good grief
You go girl let that mental illness rule because if it feels good it has to be okay right????
Don’t believe it.