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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


#johntravolta #janetcharlton

Looking more like his Danny Zuko character from “Grease” than his Edna Turnblad character from “Hairspray,” John Travolta had a hipster moment in Paris with his wife Kelly Preston. Ever since gay sex allegations started multiplying in the US, John has been keeping Kelly on an extended vacation as far away as possible. His lawyer keeps denying everything, but seeds of doubt have been sewn. The pilot Doug Gotterba, who claims to have had a six year affair with him says that after John married Kelly he admitted he preferred men. Still, Kelly manages to keep a smile on her face.
(Photo via: Daily Mail shows John, Kelly, and Forest Whittaker’s wife)

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  1. jes_sayin

    OMG, is Forrest W.’s wife okay?? She is just shockingly thin.

  2. dark sided

    They both look pathetic.

  3. sundance

    yes, Kelly loves the money and doesn’t mind holding hands with her gay boy

  4. mish mash

    She is a well paid beard. Why doesn’t he just be who he is and quit the lie? I can’t imagine how horrible it is to pretend to be someone you are not.

  5. Hilary

    I doubt he will ever admit being gay–he has been denying for too many years. We all know that Miz Kelly knew exactly what she as getting into when she married him. Keep the pretense, and spend the money. 🙂

  6. yoyo

    There are worse things happening in the world at any given moment. Whether he admits to being gay or not, is irrelevant in the reality of life.

  7. diva

    Christine India you are right. Why doesn’t he just come out?

  8. Christine India

    Betcha a Scientology doctor comes to their mansion periodically for STD/sex disease tests. Course some germs and bacteria take a while to fully show up in the blood, so no doubt ol’ fag John has been infected and will infect many more, including Kelly. There is certainly do doubt that he is gay. Many pictures and eye-witness accounts prove it.

  9. Diva

    Forrest’s wife is shocking thin

  10. walt cliff

    Those seeds sprang into a big ole lily field decades ago!

  11. Shelby

    He might as well just come out already!

  12. MissEva

    Seeds are SOWN, Janet, not SEWN!

  13. pusssykatt

    How anorexic is Forrest’s wife?

  14. baja

    his hobby?