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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Madonna’s daughter Lourdes is 14 going on 21. She looked quite grown up as she took charge and hosted the one year anniversary party of the Material Girl clothing line she and her mother started at Macy’s in New York. You can’t see it in this photo, but she’s wearing a red Kabbalah string on her left wrist in spite of the cult’s financial scandals. When she’s not attending the Fame high school of performing arts and music, she’s working on the fashion collection. Lourdes has become a major fashion influence for pre-teens.

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  1. Jeanne Dixon

    Whore’s Daughter !!!!!!

  2. susieserb

    Casonia? Is your name Madonna IRL?

  3. anonTWO

    i dont approve of a 14 year old dressing as this girl is dressed. the makeup, the heels. too much

  4. Casonia..World is having a hard time getting taxes out of people..How about all the strippers that get tax free money each and every night and How about CPS Fraud cases are out on the table..Hello Hells kitchen the show has spice and fear all over it!


  5. Denise

    She is a beautiful girl. Funny how she’s dressing older and mom is dressing younger.

  6. Indy

    Patrick, LOL, you rascal, that’s uber-funny.::))

  7. To Taffy Daven Port My name is spelled Casonia not Carsonia first of all,Like mother like daughter is your life! Cps spending should be cut, They have close to a Billion dollars tighted up in funding for that program? Chris Gregoire is hiding the funding

    Taffy Daven Port you said like mother like daughter applies on in the money area and…You don’t know what a 14years old rich girl is like..You just wish you had money and not have to worry and of course there good looks.

  8. Casonia...Address to all you crazy ass drivers out there slow your ass down! Stop talking on the phone too?Hello Hells Kitchen..Paul is a sweet heart!

    Like Mother like Daughter…Mind Wise in Great…Mother Madonna is Smart and she has a bright future ahead of her…I love her Music and…She has her own path in life……But Lourdes has just started her life and…Year of 2011 is new for every one and no one has any idea how the future is going to turn out!!!!!!So when some one says like mother…Like Daughter is not true! Every one has one life to live and every one does it there way okay.

  9. Casonia...Address to all you crazy ass drivers out there slow your ass down! Stop talking on the phone too?Hello Hells Kitchen..Paul is a sweet heart!

    No one in this world is worthless and we are all put here for a reason and when some one is on this earth and your sharing your life and time and ideas with each other…It is all about family and friends and how you shake there lives up and give them another direction to go!

  10. Casonia...Address to all you crazy ass drivers out there slow your ass down! Stop talking on the phone too?Hello Hells Kitchen..Paul is a sweet heart!

    She Eats a Good Diet and she does her home work and…The wonderful cloths she is wearing are fresh ideas and….Make a young lady feel Beautiful and Tasteful at the same time.

  11. Casonia...Address to all you crazy ass drivers out there slow your ass down! Stop talking on the phone too?Hello Hells Kitchen..Paul is a sweet heart!

    Yes the eyes maybe be different in color but the same shape applies and yes red lips are classic and for years all the movie stars of the pass has placed ruby red lips as there center piece of america….Yes there are songs written about red lips…Which I think really lighten the face.

  12. Dey

    She’s beautiful and a child so stop hating, HATERS! Do your thing Lourdes. I think Madonna is a very talented, take no prisoners broad! Her music over the years has been Epic. The mother of reinvention!

  13. Patrick

    Indy if that girl doesn’t keep her monobrow trimmed daily a Wildebeast is going to follow her home from school.

  14. Indy

    If Carlos Leon had any brains, he would rescue his daughter, and especially rescue her from Kabbalah. But, like everyone else, he is probably terrified of the Vadge.

    M is a very very evil demon-possessed worthless piece of human flesh.

  15. Indy

    Lourdes is starting to be very hairy, need to stock up on Nair. 🙂

  16. XYZ


    Well, Madonna has blue eyes, Lourdes got them dark brown like her dad’s.

  17. forrest gump


  18. Kitty

    I gurss she’ll be trying to corrupt a generation of young girls just like her rotten mother.

  19. karma

    pippa – you are queen of the everything.

  20. pippa martins-st. onge

    She looks like an Old World Sicilian prostitute, as does her Mother…

  21. Taffy Davenport

    Carsonia, doll face, she also has her mother’s bush.

    Vadge also wore bright red lipstick. She was eager to leave her “mark” on all the many men she had. A memento for their short time together.

    Like mother
    Like daughter?

  22. Casonia of Seattle..Who really loves the Hell out of Hells kitchen for the Bluntness and most of all how many showers do this people take every day and how often do they wash there hands and..I notice there is no music and no watching tv..How boring that


  23. Mona Garrett

    Isn’t “one Madonna” more than enough to inflict on the buying public at a time LOL?

    Funny, though, how things come full circle. Madonna auditioned for a role in Alan Parker’s “Fame”—which is set at the (La Guardia) High School for Performing Arts.

    She didn’t get a role, but future designer Isaac Mizrahi did—and you can see him in the movie—one of the very best films of the 80s.

  24. Casonia of Seattle..Who really loves the Hell out of Hells kitchen for the Bluntness and most of all how many showers do this people take every day and how often do they wash there hands and..I notice there is no music and no watching tv..How boring that

    Good luck in your future goals and wonderful that you are looking toward a strong and smart young lady and…Lourdes you are Beautiful on your own way… Stay special and light the light for others to follow.

  25. Casonia of Seattle..Who really loves the Hell out of Hells kitchen for the Bluntness and most of all how many showers do this people take every day and how often do they wash there hands and..I notice there is no music and no watching tv..How boring that

    Was so Happy the day she was born and…THOUGHT LUCKY MADONNA BLESSED WITH A LOVELY DAUGHTER… Role models in this world is really needed and most of all be yourself and look at what some one else is doing and follow there directions in life but the world does need a good person to look up to.

  26. Casonia of Seattle..Who really loves the Hell out of Hells kitchen for the Bluntness and most of all how many showers do this people take every day and how often do they wash there hands and..I notice there is no music and no watching tv..How boring that

    lourdes is a good rule model and she is strong like her mother and has good fashion in store for the future.