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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


#zacefron #janetcharlton

Zac Efron and his costar Maika Monroe turned up on the red carpet at the Venice Film Festival to promote their movie “At Any Price.” The film is about an agricultural family in a rural Midwestern town stuggling to succeed in the modern farming business. Dennis Quaid is a father hoping his children will carry on in the farm business he worked so hard to develop, while Zac Efron is the son who is not interested in agriculture. The fact that he has a movie in a film festival is a big step for Zac’s career and he’s gotten good reviews for his performance. (In the photo above Maika – who reminds us of Kate Hudson – seems by her body language to be more interested in Zac than he is in her.)

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  1. Mhy Ellen

    Zac Efron is gorgeous. Hard for someone to stand out in terms of looks in Hollywood, but he is a real knockout.

  2. mish mash

    Who does he think he’s kidding? Not that it matters.

  3. Kitty

    Her dress looks like shredded toilet paper.

  4. angie

    I don’t understand why people don’t like his acting. I think he is a really good actor & gives it his all. His last movie about being a marine & finding the picture was back script but good acting on his part.

  5. Christine India

    Is Zac gay? I’ve heard rumors for years.

  6. Noblecascade

    he certainly is trying….good for him.

  7. Anon1

    The girl with no gaydar lol

  8. baja

    so his ANUS can be “Locked” from now on?

  9. Cal

    IMO – What a boring sounding film

  10. Bella

    Zac has had two movies premiere at four festivals this year. He seems to have found his schtick, now if only he can keep up this momentum. The girl is very pretty. She’s a mixture of Kate Hudson and Dakota Fanning!