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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Zac Efron is in New Orleans filming The Paperboy with Nicole Kidman and Matthew McConaughey, and he’s enjoying the city. One of his preferred restaurants is Arnaud’s because he loves the jazz band there. Arnaud’s is also a favorite of Nicoas Cage, who enjoys looking out the window and watching all the action on Bourbon Street. We’re told that Zac orders healthy food – usually fish – and one night he changed his clothes three times while eating dinner there.(?) He always refuses to get up and sing with the band but will take a photo with EVERY fan that asks. Oh, and he’s described as a good tipper “over 20 per cent.”

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  1. Renee

    Do you realize how stupid your article is? This is from AUGUST. Zac has been gone from NOLA for 3 months now. He did not change his clothes 3 times during one meal. PLEASE check your facts or don’t even post about it.

  2. Tipsy

    More from the Wesley Eure Interview:

    “I remember Jacques Mapes and Ross Hunter, the famous movie producer. Their story was unbelievable.

    They told me one night, Jacques Mapes was his boyfriend for forty-plus years. They were at a private party in Hollywood. One was Tyrone Powers’ lover, and the other was Errol Flynn’s lover. They were at one of those big Hollywood parties back in, I assume, the 30s or 40s, and they were the two prettiest boys in town on the arms of these celebrities, and he said, “I remember, I was at the top of the stairs, and there was Jacques. Our eyes met, and we left the party, dumped our famous boyfriends, and we’ve been together ever since.”

  3. Tipsy

    He’s a talented cutie. He’ll come out sometime in his 60’s and write a book. That’s his personal business.

    Anybody remember that “Land of the Lost” tv show from the 1970’s ? There was a guy on that named Wesley Eure (He was also on Days of Our Lifes)?? Zac looks a lot like that guy when he was young . In fact, Wesley Eure even dated Richard Chamberlain back then too.

  4. Christine India aka Indy

    There are large gay communities in NewOrleans, told to me by a N.O. native….mostly on Magazine Street and Royal Street. Zac would be treated like a ***QUEEN*** there. 🙂

  5. Hilary's Duff

    He is often seen trolling the parkades and alleyways of WeHo looking for action. He’s a bottom like Jake Gyllenhaal.

  6. enchantedbunny

    who brings 3 changes of clothes when going out for dinner, wtf? maybe m.m. could teach him a thing or 2 on how to go out in public with no clothes on, after all a birthday suit is still a suit and its lower maintainance. oh yeah and toss in n.k. for good measure, that would be a healthy salad