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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Friends gathered at Paisley Park to mourn the loss of Prince today and among them was the woman most likely to become a multimillionaire: Prince’s only full sibling Tyka Nelson, 55. She’s had a hard life – besides being a crack addict, she supported her two sons, Sir and President (yes, you read right) with prostitution. Prince did not help her until a few years ago when she agreed to go to rehab, where she reformed and became religious. According to Minnesota law, Prince’s next of kin will inherit his millions, unless he specified otherwise in his will. Another possible recipient is the Jehovah’s Witness church.

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. Annie

    Prince left no will, so she won’t get ALL his money.

  2. donkey

    Half of that will go to attorneys. The remainder will get snorted or shot up. Poof.

  3. Jake

    800 million is way too high. More like 150 million. Also, Prince has 6 half siblings. They count just like a whole sibling.

  4. sandyRED

    Prince has been popping pills for over 25 years – so, yes, he was a druggie. People that worked for him knew him to be very weird. Guess it runs in his family. He should have paid more attention to his multi-millions and left it to deserving people and charities.

  5. Lilly

    I’m willing to become a lesbian and ask her to marry me 800 or 300 its more than what I got now.

  6. bill the firemarshall

    great singers mostly have a dull believe in things………….

  7. 1st Round 1st Minute

    + what i miss my mom said….

  8. 1st Round 1st Minute

    once again WRONG it may be 300 mill and he had crap advisors
    this won’t be settled any time soon
    his estate is a mess…..

  9. Imissmymom

    You people are trenchantly cynical. Janet never lets facts get in the way of a dinky column but readers ought to be more astute. Look at the photo — everyone around Prince’s sister is smiling. But context would be too much like right. Right? As for the sister’s past troubles, who are ANY of you to cast stones? You don’t know this woman. And the snide comment about welfare? Tell me how you know that? Did you somehow get hold of the government rolls? A human being is dead. By all accounts a generous and giving human being with a miraculous amount of talent. Elvis Presley played the guitar. Prince played EVERYTHING. I am not here to defend his legacy. I am here to remind you of his humanity. Janet speculates his COD was drug related as if she had the autopsy report in the palm of her wizened hand. None of us know yet how Prince died. In the end, it doesn’t matter. We are blessed that we had him. We are blessed that he lived.

  10. Just Janet

    I hope prince picked my name out of a phone book, and is leaving everything to me.

  11. Kathy Rodig

    Hope the sister gets it all and she helps whomever she dam well pleases.

  12. Palermo

    Now she can buy some new weave

  13. Paula

    How sad, everything he worked for in the end left to her.

  14. Strom

    Hopefully she gets just enough to disqualify her from the welfare payments she and so many others seem content to receive.

  15. Shirley

    The Church will sue for it