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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Professional pin-up Courtney Stodden, 22, is pictured here waiting for an Uber ride in Beverly Hills. Since she and her older husband Doug Hutchison split up, she’s been looking for love – and other things. According to The Sun newspaper, she’s listed on the dating website where generous men bid for dates with fetching young women. Apparently a lot of college girls are listed in various cities. Average girls are usually paid a few hundred dollars for a date but Courtney is getting top dollar – recently she accepted $3000 for a date. We don’t know if there was a second date for her guy…

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. Joeyr


  2. Strom

    She is far too skanky and country acting for class.

  3. lara

    a way to be the talk of the town?

  4. Delfina

    She should take her used up self to an Arab country. They pay well there.

  5. Cheap ass hooker

    Her problem is that she looks too cheap for Yachting. Men who buy yacht girls want them to look classy. They don’t want to advertise to the world that the hot women on their yacht are hookers. They want girls that look like Taylor Swift and her friend Karlie.

  6. Parent of twins

    She should try the lucrative Middle East markets where Lindsay Lohan and Rihanna have called home for years. $3 large is chump change for a top dollar ‘companion’. But these ‘girls’ are feeling “empowered” aren’t they?