Really Janet, you should set loftier goals, the organ donation was aux fait compli, a matter of course, obvious. and appreciation to the mental giant who stated the ” Canadian Health care killed” poor Natasha, so funny, so wonderfully stupid a comment, thanks for the laugh.
To those who have repeated the fiction that Universal Canadian-style health care is “what our government wants for us:” You could not be more wrong. Healthcare “reform” in the U.S. will be to mandate health insurance purchases for citizens — which should be a boon to health insurers! It’s already the law in Mass. where residents now have an additonal document to file (proving insurance coverage) with their state income tax forms. Lovely. “Canadian-style?” We should be so fortunate. It will NEVER happen here.
Sebastian Stoker
Hey, you should all be ashamed of yourselves! You are skipping the point just to criticize Canadian health care (get a clue btw), discuss journalistic integrity, or argue about helmet use.
Richardson’s family exercised extreme generosity in the face of unbelievable tragedy. They are amazing people and should be applauded.
Get the point: Yes there are Madoff’s and AIG execs, and Hollywood bimbos in this world, but there are also intelligent, classy, noble people out there. God Bless ’em.
Give credit where credit is due. Janet was first on the organ donor information, so she gets the credit.
Janet these posts you do when you brag make us puke. We all know how you copy stuff from all over the web. You fool no one.
gerard Vandenberg
correct- different opinions on helmets.
here it is janet, titled, “How Bruce Picked His Bride”
BRUCE Willis, 54, and his new wife, Emma Heming, 30, didn’t meet through friends, as his pals have insisted in fact, the superstar actor hand-picked her as a perfect stranger.
An impeccable source tells Page Six: “During the casting of ‘Perfect Stranger’ [the suspense movie Willis made with Halle Berry two years ago], Bruce was very involved with the casting. In fact, you could say he was extremely involved no matter how minor the role.”
At Willis’ request, calls were placed to modeling agencies to fill the roles of extras and minor speaking parts.
Our casting source said, “He personally went through head shots and when the girls were called in to ‘read,’ he was there in the meeting. It was odd for the star of a movie to do so, but at the time he was single and I guess he needed a date.”
The casting sessions/blind dates went well enough. “He started dating [model] Tamara Feldman, with whom he coincidentally enough had a sex scene,” our insider said.
Then, Heming was selected for a small speaking part. Willis “started dating both Tamara and Emma but obviously, Emma eventually won out,” the source said.
All’s well that ends well. Willis and Heming who has dated numerous Hollywood types, including John Stamos and Brent Bolthouse, plus Italian playboy Flavio Briatore got married last weekend at his home in Parrot Cay in Turks and Caicos. Madonna, Demi Moore, Ashton Kutcher and Willis’ three daughters attended.
Heming, a British citizen who was born in Malta, has modeled for Victoria’s Secret and landed on Maxim magazine’s Top 100 hottest babes list in 2005 at No. 86.
A rep for Willis declined to comment.
janet since your specialty is cut & paste: grab the story from page SIX on how bruce willis used an upcomming movie he was starring in to pick a wife out of the victoria secrets catalog. It is really motivational on why men need to be rich in america to score the premium tail.
On the GMA, two ski experts declared they were trying to pass a law that beginners should wear helmets. So, there are 2 opinions.
The drive to a hospital without a trauma center and the subsequent two hour drive to yet another hospital instead of helicopter killed her…..expect a lawsuit against the glorious Universal Healthcare of Canada… and our govt wants this for us.
i disagree. the bunny slope is pretty benign.
and if you read up, you will see that helmets only help lessen injuries that were light to begin with like a grazing or a scratch. the helmet will not protect you from the forces of physics. if you hit your head hard enough to break an artery, (rare to begin with) that is going to happen with or without a helmet. there was an article on the huffington post about this.
suggest you read it before you get all hyper-ventillating.
Not to wear a helmet, whether you are learning or already know how, is insane. Many are killed or hurt every year: there is nothing about skiing that is safe. And that’s not to mention the ever-present avalanches. Very sad.
^^^^^^^ amen to that .
Daneiel hannan is my hero.
Canadian Universal Healthcare killed Natasha Richardson……..
Erika Stossel
Really Janet, you should set loftier goals, the organ donation was aux fait compli, a matter of course, obvious. and appreciation to the mental giant who stated the ” Canadian Health care killed” poor Natasha, so funny, so wonderfully stupid a comment, thanks for the laugh.
To those who have repeated the fiction that Universal Canadian-style health care is “what our government wants for us:” You could not be more wrong. Healthcare “reform” in the U.S. will be to mandate health insurance purchases for citizens — which should be a boon to health insurers! It’s already the law in Mass. where residents now have an additonal document to file (proving insurance coverage) with their state income tax forms. Lovely. “Canadian-style?” We should be so fortunate. It will NEVER happen here.
Sebastian Stoker
Hey, you should all be ashamed of yourselves! You are skipping the point just to criticize Canadian health care (get a clue btw), discuss journalistic integrity, or argue about helmet use.
Richardson’s family exercised extreme generosity in the face of unbelievable tragedy. They are amazing people and should be applauded.
Get the point: Yes there are Madoff’s and AIG execs, and Hollywood bimbos in this world, but there are also intelligent, classy, noble people out there. God Bless ’em.
Give credit where credit is due. Janet was first on the organ donor information, so she gets the credit.
Janet these posts you do when you brag make us puke. We all know how you copy stuff from all over the web. You fool no one.
gerard Vandenberg
correct- different opinions on helmets.
here it is janet, titled, “How Bruce Picked His Bride”
BRUCE Willis, 54, and his new wife, Emma Heming, 30, didn’t meet through friends, as his pals have insisted in fact, the superstar actor hand-picked her as a perfect stranger.
An impeccable source tells Page Six: “During the casting of ‘Perfect Stranger’ [the suspense movie Willis made with Halle Berry two years ago], Bruce was very involved with the casting. In fact, you could say he was extremely involved no matter how minor the role.”
At Willis’ request, calls were placed to modeling agencies to fill the roles of extras and minor speaking parts.
Our casting source said, “He personally went through head shots and when the girls were called in to ‘read,’ he was there in the meeting. It was odd for the star of a movie to do so, but at the time he was single and I guess he needed a date.”
The casting sessions/blind dates went well enough. “He started dating [model] Tamara Feldman, with whom he coincidentally enough had a sex scene,” our insider said.
Then, Heming was selected for a small speaking part. Willis “started dating both Tamara and Emma but obviously, Emma eventually won out,” the source said.
All’s well that ends well. Willis and Heming who has dated numerous Hollywood types, including John Stamos and Brent Bolthouse, plus Italian playboy Flavio Briatore got married last weekend at his home in Parrot Cay in Turks and Caicos. Madonna, Demi Moore, Ashton Kutcher and Willis’ three daughters attended.
Heming, a British citizen who was born in Malta, has modeled for Victoria’s Secret and landed on Maxim magazine’s Top 100 hottest babes list in 2005 at No. 86.
A rep for Willis declined to comment.
janet since your specialty is cut & paste: grab the story from page SIX on how bruce willis used an upcomming movie he was starring in to pick a wife out of the victoria secrets catalog. It is really motivational on why men need to be rich in america to score the premium tail.
On the GMA, two ski experts declared they were trying to pass a law that beginners should wear helmets. So, there are 2 opinions.
The drive to a hospital without a trauma center and the subsequent two hour drive to yet another hospital instead of helicopter killed her…..expect a lawsuit against the glorious Universal Healthcare of Canada… and our govt wants this for us.
i disagree. the bunny slope is pretty benign.
and if you read up, you will see that helmets only help lessen injuries that were light to begin with like a grazing or a scratch. the helmet will not protect you from the forces of physics. if you hit your head hard enough to break an artery, (rare to begin with) that is going to happen with or without a helmet. there was an article on the huffington post about this.
suggest you read it before you get all hyper-ventillating.
Not to wear a helmet, whether you are learning or already know how, is insane. Many are killed or hurt every year: there is nothing about skiing that is safe. And that’s not to mention the ever-present avalanches. Very sad.
^^^^^^^ amen to that .
Daneiel hannan is my hero.
Canadian Universal Healthcare killed Natasha Richardson……..