Nick Carter has packed on a few pounds since he dated Paris Hilton so no one was surprised to see him working out at 24 Hour Fitness in West Hollywood. The former Backstreet Boy DID sense lot of eyes upon him however, and seemed uncomfortable, according to our source. A guy walked up to Nick and said “Hey remember me? I was the friend of a girl you used to date.” He named the girl, and moody Nick snarled “I remember you – and she’s a f—— BITCH!” All the noisy machines seemed to stop at the same time and everyone heard his comment. There was an awkward silence and Nick left the gym shortly after .
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
seriously,, those of you who has the need to sit here and throw trash about a person like that is the ones that doesn’t matter… not even one of you has accomplished even an inch of what Nick has..
I am so glad thst I do not share your cynical point of view.. and prey on other peoples problems and obstacles!
If you’ve met Nick, you’ll know he’s really nice. Is he not allowed to look or act like normal people (like ourselves) just because he’s famous. Nick’s is a great person. Don’t judge him when you don’t really “know” him. Remember, we’ve all had our bad days.
Hey, he is just a normal guy. Everybody could have a bad day and say something bad. You cannot blame the guy! You have no right to do that. Have not any of you got angry? What would you say? He is cute, nice and true gentleman, you know…
A friend
From someone who knows Nick, I can tell you that he is a very nice guy. Yes, he has a temper, but he NEVER HIT PARIS! Yes, he get be silly, stupid, angry, etc…. but so can I. He’s just a regular dude with a job that requires his every action to be scruntinized 24/7 by people with no lives.
I was never into the Backstreet Boys whatever he made a ton of money sometimes he acts like a dick who doesn’t I watch the house of Carters.. he’s the fucking shit! I sweat him! Hes good as hell to his family, takes care of them, schools them, is there for them, all tatted up wish to God I would run into him in LA like some of u disturbed tools got the privilege … 1
I personally love bsb and nick crater .. so if he says the girl was an f—– bitch well… seriosuly she probably was
I think dis article is fake and so not true. I am a huge bsb n nick fan and i know them better. Nick would never say that. U guys are jus so bored,dat u dnt hav nethin else 2 do than diss ppl,seriously-get a lyf ppl.da fans know dem betta than u guys,so u shud really get ur facts straight b4 puttin an article lyk dat.