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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Johnny Depp, 54, is thoroughly enjoying his European tour with his band The Hollywood Vampires (and making some money, too.) The financial angle might be important because he’s in a legal battle with ex-managers and claims he’s broke. Always kind to fans, Johnny posed for photos with some Russian girls and when his fans saw them online they were shocked and concerned that he looked rather debauched. Johnny DOES appear to be thin and pale and just plain worn out. Remember his ex-wife Amber Heard accused him of drug and alcohol abuse – is that taking a toll on his incredible looks? Or is he losing weight for a film role?

Photo: Instagram

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  1. Alex

    Get married when you love someone – there’s no right age, no perfect time and not always a happy ending. Hope for the best. Love your mate and enjoy building a life with them – at 20, 30 or 40.

  2. alwaysMIA

    His cap says it all.

  3. Karen

    Film role. If you look at his IMDB page, he’s working on a movie about a man who dies. So, the drawn appearance makes sense for a role.

  4. susieserb

    another pawn of MKULTRA.

  5. Daggers

    fugly on his cap; yep, this describes him sooooo well. Don’t like him, never have.

  6. Rafiqul

    Looks this guy is not well with his wife whom he should respect more because of the drug life, everyone should stay away from this.Trendy Tattle

  7. eagle

    his funeral is next week?

  8. katy

    A dirty and depraved Man.

  9. Whatever

    I don’t get the obsession with this guy. His acting sucks. I lost all respect for him when he sold out with that horrible pirates garbage.

  10. Terry

    I can’t help but like Depp in a professional manner. He is an entertaining & talented actor. However, He does have a very long history of drug and domestic abuse.

    This is what Depp looks like without makeup and facial hair. He’s middle aged. What do you expect? Also, he is worn down by partying and drug use. I hope he can get a grip on this. This guy has lots of fan out there.