Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
Aha! Kim Kardashian and Halle Berry’s babydaddy/exboyfriend Gabriel Aubry were photographed sitting side by side at the Lakers game last night and there was much speculation about whether they arrived together or just happened to have seats next to each other. Here’s proof that they did, indeed, arrive together (they kept five feet between them and tried to be nonchalant.) It certainly IS a date although they tried to keep it quiet. We’re not surprised – Halle has been having a very public romance with French actor Olivier Martinez.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Yep she is trash and she went BLACK back in the early days so it is amazing that even Gabriel would consider touching her now…maybe he didnt…she was just on her knees in front. Everyone who has been with her should be checked for STD’d.
Mom must be so proud of the little girls!
Must be the opening session of a JC enablers convention.
Sal, you are getting to be to the race thing what Reta was to the gay thing — a moral compass. Unfortunately, it is a futile and frustrating job.
Sal Mineo's Zipper Squirrel
Well, I guess it was just too much to ask. Several of you bit it off along with strom. So discouraging.
HE is gorgeous. I’d like a turn with him too!
He is way too good for this plastic surgery addicted freak.
Indy, poor silly Kim. Doesn’t she know that saying?
Once you go black, never go back, cause if you go white, it never feels rights.
Kim, the nympho, has been there, done that, so now she’s trying out a blue-eyed blonde, opposite of the norm.
HE is a standard male model, but he is blond and blue-eyed. And being French Canadian — which reads as French — has its appeal. Not sure that that all justifies so many damp knickers though.
She used to be beautiful, everything she has done since then to “improve” her looks made her less attractive. Her face looks totally frozen now. I don’t see the appeal of him personally but obviously many do.
Doing porn as her first debut does not qualify her as a A list actress. She has never done a movie.
This will be a very short term affair…as Janet said he picked for spite and to be seen….Kim is not long with a white guy.
Strom has not shown up yet. He must be tea-bagging…uhm, I mean Tea Partying…I think.
Helena Handbasket
From a classy and respected A-list ACTRESS… to a “paint her naked ass & boobs silver and call it art” famewhore… who’d show up at the opening of an envelope –JUST for the publicity.
QUICK! Somebody call 911! Aubry’s gotta be OD’ing on serious drugs.
Some people just see color and nothing else and that’s on them. You know strom is on the way and it’s the resident racist on the prowl. I think hello must be a kin folk.
Ah Bluejay, ya beat me to it. LOL!!!
Sal, yeah, I agree with you. And you know, with Gabe being a Canadian, those racist comments are going to fly. Why can’t the man give US a break???
Bettye Bluejay
The idea they both have is to get their feet off the ground.
Sal Mineo's Zipper Squirrel
Can we PLEASE keep the racist comments out of this post this time?
What the hell, ALL of them are single, they can date whomever they please…time and boyfriends marches on.
Cute couple!! Both seem to have both feet on the ground.