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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Video via: The Daily What

Being married couldn’t have been easy for women in the 50’s and 60’s. These coffee commercials show husbands mercilessly berating their perky and well groomed wives about their coffee making skills. Imagine if they tried to get away with this today…

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  1. icons design

    Yes, the answer almost same, as well as at me.

    P.S. Please review icons

  2. Voltaire's romance

    Yah, women are so much better off today, working 40 plus hours and having their BOSS berate them…then going home to cook and clean for the family. Whoopie, THANKS feminists!!

  3. Tuki

    Mistechal I admire you. Men are such sluts…

  4. Patrick

    Oh and another thing, I make the coffee myself .French press.
    It’s got to be done right you know.

    I never could figure out that dishes and laundry thing though. I’ll wreck it.

  5. Noblecascade

    I remember the women’s movement very well in the 70’s. Gloria Steinem was a big part of that but now as I have gotten older and more conservative Gloria wants no part of us. NOW is only for the women on the extreme left. The women’s movement was suppose to be for ALL women. I have lost respect for Gloria and her buddies.

    The coffee ads? If my husband ever said any of these things to me about my coffee, I would just tell him to make it himself and he would probably be wearing that cup of coffee.

  6. nicky


    it is about gossip rumors and opinions of gossip—it has to be some about posters or there would not be a comment area—-

    aren’t most sites like this concerned with traffic?

    more people would be on the site if they had more to do or say

  7. Strom

    Not really, the site isnt about posters!

  8. nicky

    why are there just a few things added daily.

    looks like she would add a section for regular members so they could post their avatars or photos of people and the famous people they meet.

    it would probably cost too much money but would be kind of cool still

  9. mistechal

    Her coffee was just fine. He just needed an excuse to go get his coffee somewhere else.

    Don’t beat yourself up, little housewife….
    Quit making his coffee, Go out and find your own path.

    Start making more money than he does.

    Just like I did, after 20 years. as a stay at home mom,doing everything for everyone. and he used the ‘coffee excuse’, to pick up waitresses in coffee shops, while i became a network engineer.

    We are now, divorced/

  10. Denise

    Oh, and that purpose is NOT to make coffee.

  11. Denise

    Thanks for the link Mona. Chauvinistic lyrics hidden in a catchy melody. Not much today has changed. Listen to some rap music and watch the videos. Women as sex objects with only one purpose.

  12. yoyo

    What ridiculous commercials. By today’s standards safe to bet hubby would be mashed into coffee grounds sitting pretty in a Maxwell House tin urn. Folgers’ anyone?

  13. Selene

    Not much has changed….look at every commercial…women are still second class citizens in the kitchen cooking away …. who would have thought it in the 21st century? Its disgusting.

  14. forrest gump

    can’t help it: FAGGOTS CHANGED OVER THE YEARS………

  15. Walt Cliff---Hire Me -- I Need $$$$ to buy generic Spam.


    Greetings Hillary! Sounds like you have a good hubby there! Hang on to him! 🙂

  16. Hilary

    Hubby makes the coffee around here… gets the beans, grinds them, then makes a pot of it in the a.m. Never used to like coffee ’til I met him — now I need my one cup every day! 🙂

  17. Walt Cliff


    I had forgotten he sang the Love Boat theme!

    Jack Jones singing “The Impossible Dream (The Quest)” is one of my favorites. That one was back in the mid sixties. Luther Vandross’s version is my other favorite. Luther Vandross voice outstanding and somehow didn’t even require music. What a
    blessed gift he had.

    Anything Shania Twain wants to record is fine with me. Pretty woman….pretty voice and great combination. The wife loves her too!

  18. Walt Cliff

    Gloria Steinem. You don’t hear that name as often as we should. What a trailblazer for equal rights/women’s rights.


    “A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle.”
    ——Gloria Steinem

    “I have yet to hear a man ask for advice on how to combine marriage and a career.”
    ——-Gloria Steinem

  19. Mona Garrett

    Wow. I can’t believe Angie is 79! She has always radiated such cool, you know?

    Meanwhile, Burt seems to be ageless. I think he has a much younger wife, now, and maybe even young children. In pics of him from the last few years, he looks remarkably the same.

    And you’re so right about Dionne. She made quite a team with Bacharach (and Hal David); she had hit after hit.

    Most people seem to know Jack Jones as only the voice of the ‘Love Boat” theme, but I’ve always thought he was one of the best male vocalists, ever. Right up there with Frank.

    Love your imagery about the housewives descending on Burt over “Wives and Lovers.” Maybe Shania could record an irony-laden cover of it. 🙂

  20. Walt Cliff


    Hey little one! I sure do remember that one. What a great tune but what horrid lyrics!

    When that song came out, housewives from all over the country should have hunted down Bacharach and slapped him around until he changed the lyrics. lol 🙂

    Speaking of Burt, he sure had a beautiful wife when he was married to Angie Dickinson (she is 79 now)!!

    I have the Burt Bacharach and the Dionne Warwick version (which is the one I like best). I love Warwick’s voice.

  21. Walt Cliff


    I have vision of someone (your lovely wife perhaps?) walking up behind you and smacking the back of your head with a pretty well manicured hand. 🙂

  22. Walt Cliff


    Ahhhh, could you be any sweeter? Bless you. 🙂

  23. Indy

    The best ever for all kinds of music and games is:

  24. Mona Garrett

    Denise, that Home Ec advice reminds me of a wonderful song—which has a horribly dated chauvinist message; here’s a link:

    It’s “Wives and Lovers,” a huge hit from 1963, written by Burt Bacharach and sung by Jack Jones, whose smooth voice is just wonderful on it. Somehow he even manages to make the ending sound like a lullaby.

    Times have changed—thank goodness!—but this song is a sweet artifact. 🙂

    Walt, do you remember this one?

  25. Denise

    Hey tinydancer, don’t you dare mess with our Walt!

    Making coffee is almost foolproof today, so these commercials are rather hysterical. Someone once emailed me a page from what was allegedly a 1950’s home ec. textbook which had such wonderful tips as, making sure the children are quiet when he comes home, not complaining about your day, but asking him about his day only, putting on fresh lipstick and fixing your hair so you’ll look nice, etc.

    Eff that. With a bow to Shania Twain, “honey I’m home, I’ve had a bad day” get me a glass of cold chardonnay.

  26. Patrick

    This is such a lovely video from a kinder, gentler era. The real Mad Men era, not Weiner’s rosey coloured version.
    We never shoulda given the women’s the vote.
    And never let em drive the Mustangs.Damn.

  27. Walt Cliff ---- Hire me so I can buy generic beano)


    “You are pretty much poor white trash huh Walt?”

    Your Highnesss…….What a sweet to say.

    Haven’t heard from you in while. These was something that was done many many decades ago. I had no part in it getting beat or issuing a beating.

    I’ve been called many things in my day. It doesn’t hurt my feelings. Hope that doesn’t disappoint you too much.

    Have a safe & enjoyable weekend! 🙂

  28. tinydancer

    Whaa.. is this for real? You are pretty much poor white trash huh Walt?

  29. Walt Cliff ---- Hire me so I can buy generic beans for supper

    HEY LEO,


    Hope you have a safe and wonderful holiday weekend!!! 🙂

    I am sure I have already told this before but one of the things that was secretly popular in my neck of the woods (deep south) was drunk beating.

    Drunk beating was when the woman’s SOB WAS A SOT. LOL!!

    If he was a blackout drunk (which they usually were with moonshine)& abusive, the woman would get a friend together after he had passed out and sew the husband up very quickly in an old sheet and the beat the shit out of him.

    In the morning, the sheet would be gone, the wife would look innocent and the husband would think he had gotten into a fight.

    In many cases, the husband would blame whatever friend he was drinking with the night before. LOL!!! 🙂

  30. Walt Cliff

    Coffee Widow

    “Dear God, I want to come back as a MAN.”

    LOL! Greetings to you. 🙂 I’ve heard my sister say the same thing many times. I bet many women feel the same way!

  31. Walt Cliff

    Say Something Nice

    LOL!!!! It’s Friday. Let me freshen that up for you. I will even put it in a clean glass.

    Yes, that is the gorgeous Donna Mills. She looked even better years later on Knots Landing!!!

  32. Say Something Nice

    Double aaugh! “looks LIKE” …you can take the bottle from me now 🙂

  33. Say Something Nice

    Walt, whataya think?

    Freeze video @ :07; sure looks likes Donna. And ‘Play Misty for Me” is a classic fav!

  34. Walt Cliff

    Donna Mills was always such a beauty!

    Can you believe she will be 71 in December? Doesn’t seem possible. She still looks truly wonderful too. Loved her in the 1971 Eastwood flick, “Play Misty For Me.”

  35. Say Something Nice

    Aaugh! “is his wife played by…”

  36. Say Something Nice

    That first husband is EXTRA CREEPY. And is his wife played a very young, bouffant-haired Donna Mills?

    What they couldn’t show at the time:

    The nice, dutiful wife smiling sweetly at her obnoxious hubby and responding,

    “How are your contortionist skills? You’re going to need them the very next time you want your cock sucked.”

  37. Coffee widow

    Janet what makes you think anything changed? Women STILL have to make the coffee, clean the house and cook the meals it’s just that now we have to have a 50 hour a week job on top of that!!!

    Dear God, I want to come back as a MAN.

  38. Walt Cliff

    My wife would have given me a warning and then if I said anything else, she would have slapped the taste clean out of my mouth!!!! LOL!!!!!