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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


What do you buy for the girl who has everything? Janet Jackson’s boyfriend Qatar businessman Wissam Al Mana happens to be a billionaire so he has a lot of options. Wissam decided to ultimate gift for Janet would be Neverland – or what’s left of it. He’s quietly attempting to purchase Michael Jackson’s legendary property near Santa Barbara because he knows Janet has sentimental feelings about it. Now THAT’S what we call a thoughtful gift.

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  1. theresa craig

    i think thats beautiful…neverland is a beautiful place,that was her brother michaels home,and im sure janet has fond memories of her brother there,i think that is a very thoughtful gift,and it will comfort janet as her and michael seemed to be close.

  2. Thank you, Muffin!

    Thank you for being the voice of reason here! God bless!

  3. SebastianCanada

    Why doesn’t Janet go and find herself a nice rich professional white or black American guy? She always seems to go for guys in between. As nutty as the Jacksons seem to me, it also seems that they are very middle-America. She will never be happy with some international type.

  4. strom

    The only thing that is getting knocked on is Janet’s large, Serena sized caboose. The Arab may buy the property but he is not about to give J the deed!

  5. SebastianCanada

    Janet makes Madonna sound like Maria Callas. I mean, this is the era of auto-pitch! How can a voice end up sounding so weak and tuneless on a professionally engineered and produced track?

  6. Pippa-London

    WTF? Janet was last relevant in the late 1980’s. Move on people!

  7. wim

    ………hire Knott’s Berry Farm on the site.

  8. Indy

    Sebastian: On your last two…..correct and correct.

  9. Sal Mineo's zipper squirrel

    She’s rich enough on her own, if she wanted that Pedophelia Palace, she could just buy it! Also, I saw her movie “For Colored Girls” and loved the poetry of it, but the filming of Janet from the level of below her nose, looking up was not a good idea. I could see right into her triangle nostrils as they flared like a horse in anger over her movie “husband” getting caught being on the “D.L.”. I was waiting for someone in the audience to whinny like a horse, and the director should have had Janet pop up off the bed and prance her foot in anger a couple times.

  10. SebastianCanada

    Indy,RE JWs: I love how holy and self-righteous and rigid Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons are, but people like the Osmonds and Jacksons have no problem getting into the entertainment field, which — presumably — is full of the Godless, libertines, homosexuals, worshippers of false gods, etc., etc., and which promotes sinful living. Now THOSE are the people destined for Hell for sure.

  11. SebastianCanada

    Indy, and a Catholic could add: Protestantism.

  12. Indy

    What’s wrong with his eyes?

    Why is her blouse button ready to pop; is she lactating and well on the way to popping out a little terrorist?

  13. Indy

    Sebastian, agree 100%. Mother Katherine Jackson will wade her 2 cents in shortly, as she is a died-in-the-wool Jehovah’s Witness. I heard her say it pains her that some of her kids are not adhering to the J.W.’s (a false cult). So Janet may be in for a bumpy ride and may be trying to rake in all the moola she can before this fake romance flukes out. It’s also likely that his Muslim parents/relatives would be totally against marriage to a non-Muslim. On the other hand, who knows what any crazy Muslim or crazy Jackson will do. One thing is for sure, one should stay far far away from the false religions of J.W.’s, Islam, Scientology, Kabbalah, and a few more.

  14. SebastianCanada

    It sounds like he is a good guy. And while he may have lots of money, and Janet is probably the smartest and most sane of the Jacksons, he should run as far away as possible. The Jackson family behaves like a cult, and Janet has never completely broken away. The Jacksons have wasted millions of dollars, and THEY were the ones who really destroyed Michael. Chances are some wise family members are keeping an eye on Wissam, and this relationship will not go much further.

  15. Palermo

    She looks like a wax dummy in the face now, she completely ruined her face. Why would she want to buy Neverland, a source of great misery to the entire family with all the pedo rumors?

  16. dee cee

    I think creepy.. she really looks like michael now.. so, let’s buy his creepy old perv house? Poor Janet is stuck with another loser.

  17. Muffin

    Wow, he’s a nice looking man! Hope he is good to Ms. Jackson, she definitely deserves to be happy.

  18. Bettye Bluejay

    Wassam could give Janet a ride into outer space on the Russian space shuttle for $20 million. Can’t get more unique than that.

  19. strom

    Wonder who put that idea in his head! His family is a billionaire,,,not him. He will be a disgrace to the family and Janet wont see a ring.