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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Heart throb Ken Wahl, who pretty much retired from acting after a serious spinal injury in the early 90’s, has finally figured out where all his money went. Not only did he file suit against his business manager Henry Levine, but he has accused his exwife Corrine Alphen of conniving with Levine to steal millions of dollars of his money. Wahl, currently married to Shane Barbi, believes Corinne filtered money in and out of a trust fund he set up for their son Raymond. Acquaintances of Corrine aren’t surprised. They say the naturally beautiful Penthouse Pet became addicted to expensive plastic surgery. Besides having yearly liposuction, she redid her face, lips, breasts, and augmented her butt and calves! THAT’S what Corrine’s used Ken’s money for! Now Corrine charges a dollar a minute for her Tarot reading service online. (Above, Ken and Corrine, in happier days)

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  1. Admitidly

    This! While I agree that being a persuasive speaker is fine, but eventually you have to perform.

  2. anônimo

    eu sò queria saber se età bem hgoje?

  3. isabelcristina

    eu amava ken wahl ele èo homem mai lindo que ja vi

  4. Jeremy

    Corrine was sexiest woman alive back in her days. She plays a dominatrix in the movie, “screwball hotel”. Must see movie.

  5. Cat Bonfig

    Used to watch Wiseguy just to see him. He seems like a loving, caring, compassonate person who got duped by ex-wife & business mgr. Too trusting. Now he helps animals that can’t help themselves. He’s a hero in my book. Best of luck to him.

  6. gabylu65

    Es muy triste leer cosas tan terribles de las personas, yo no lo conozco personalmente pero adoro su personaje en wiseguys. La lesión lo a alejado de las pantallas pero esta en mi corazón y mente,Me gustria saber más de el y de su obra junto a su esposa lo adoro.

  7. José Carlos

    Ken or better say (Mr.Antony Calzaretta) is a honor man, his career were construction with sacrifice and total dedication by him and family support; so the people and the press using saying aside about him.
    Ken is a good father, friend, husband and I still love him too much.
    He is inteligent, tenderness and a great person.

  8. jinkyknowsbest

    Corrine is mentioned as a loving mother. Maybe if she was a loving mother she would have raised her son with class and not to attempt to murder people. Then again, look at Corrine, all she cared about was/is herself. Maybe she should do a reading for her son. How long will he be in jail. Will she ever have a relationship with him. Will her best friend ever stop posing nude in bathtubs because it’s disgusting looking at her 50 year old tatas.

  9. Anonymous

    This is a shame. I feel bad for Ken. I watched Wise Guy just to see him.

  10. anonymously

    Does anybody know if Corrine sends her son in prison autographed copies of her Penthouse issue from the 70’s? I had heard that her son uses his mother’s nude pictures for protection from when he bends down to pick up the soap.

  11. Anonymous

    Sounds like he picks his women from the gutter, no wonder he has problems

  12. Anonymous

    Ken Wahl once (in)famously compared kissing Bette Midler onscreen to kissing a dog. Gee, wonder why his movie career never got off the ground?

  13. Wiseguy Fan

    Wow! Corrine’s personal website makes a ton of money. The IRS should be going after her, not a disabled sucker. She describes herself as “a loving mother”…but never mentions that her first son went to jail for trying to kill someone.

  14. Renee

    I am good friends with Shane and Ken and they are good and caring people. I hate that this is going on for him, but I hope at least that this will serve as a good example for other young actors coming up to be VERY careful who you trust, especially if you meet them AFTER you have become famous!
    Ken is involved in several charitable projects, such as our project called: Willie’s Kids, which is to be a teaching site for children to learn how to care for, and be involved in, saving our animals all over the world. He is on our Board, and we are proud to have him. My dad, Willie Nelson, and our whole family are involved in and fully support Willie’s Kids. Our website is coming soon and will have more information about it on there.
    Also, For the most current and official information about Ken Wahl, please visit the only OFFICIAL site for information about Ken— — there will be current information, all approved by Ken and Shane and will be updated regularly. You can also read a copy of Ken’s lawsuit there. The site is under construction but is still up now and you can read it. Please check back for more info–

  15. jinky

    Corrine had a previous husband (druggy) and a previous son (Louie, 37 yr old). Louie went to jail for attempted murder so why is this a surprise?

  16. Renee

    I am a good friend of both Shane and Ken and they are good and caring people.

  17. Bambi

    Is this Jay Leno’s long lost son?

  18. Anonymous


  19. Anonymous

    man was he ever good looking in his day!

  20. Strom

    This case is jew plus jew screw another jew, or 2 jews can take more than 1.

  21. Anonymous

    A Jewish money manager like Levine or Madoff can be a detriment.

  22. gerard Vandenberg

    “STARDOM”: where you even can’t trust the dog, folks!!