Willow Smith is getting VERY tall and it’s clear that she is still inspired by Rihanna’s outrageous fashion. Her stylist Mariel Haenn put together this outfit for Willow to wear in New York where she’s promoting her new song “Fireball” with Nicki Minaj. Imagine having a celebrity stylist at the age of 11! Above, she’s leaving her New York hotel.

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  1. This is the picture of success to the BLACK race. Unfortunately, that’s why they have 30% unemployment and all other races are passing them by like freight trains. Hopefully Willow can string a few words together in a sentence…doubts!

  2. The outfit is wearing her. She is not wearing the outfit.

    This says nothing about the child. This speaks only to the stylist. If the child wishes to be a fashion icon, then she should develop her own style of dressing, find a seamstress, and execute those visions.

    If she in fact has no style, and must employ a stylist to create one for her, get a better one. This one is awful. And I’d bet the farm she dislikes the child, deep down inside.

  3. When you have (or come from) a family who is extremely rich, then what you wear is oh so put together and rad, no matter how hideous it looks.

    When you are a nobody, this mish-mash she has on would be soundly blasted.

    It’s the way of the rich and the poor, aka the way of the entire world. 🙁

  4. I don’t want my kids dressing like their escapee’s from Ringling Bros.

  5. Maybe they are hoping to distract everyone from her lack of talent. She may have a stylist but she has no style. Normally I wouldn’t make negative comments about a child but her parents are pushing her and her brother into the spotlight in an example of nepotism worse than any I’ve seem.

  6. All proceeds from her sales go to the Scientogy school funded by her Father. Just say no!

  7. Janet WHY do you allow that racist to post? Does he bring in high stats? Is it your relative??

  8. I sure don’t understand this girls fashion. Was it her intention to break every fashion rule in the book. It just seems like the took every ugly article of clothing they could find, and put it all together in one U-G-L-Y outfit.

    This outfit looks like a cross between Smurfette, Santa Claus and a hint of Hill Billy thrown in for good measure!! Sorry little girl but you need to can your stylists ASS, yesterday!

  9. Strom, this a picture of a young, shallow, self obsessed pre-teen. Not unlike what, 20/30 million other similarly configured kids.

    She an exemplar of nothing other than our shallow obsession with celebrity and your suggestion that she is, is the proof.

    Grow a brain you retard. (just so you know i’m not PC)

  10. Oh my Lord and Taylor, this child should not wear her hair behind those Dumbo ears. I realize she inherited them from Dad, but come on! No child her age should have or NEED a stylist, for cryin’ out loud. Will and Jada are in the wrong on this one, in my humble opinion.

  11. There is something so unlikable about her. She is a spoiled brat that thinks she is so self important.

  12. The Zipskin’s self-reflection above is very enlightening. Never fear, he has as much right to post as anyone.

    Relax Mel, take another librium and sing along with the “We are the World” video once again. Maybe you can sing Michael’s part!

  13. Lol @ Strom.

    I like reading most comments, including Strom’s. I find it somewhat amusing that he/she only see’s a persons color or ethnicity. But then I don’t get upset about white/blonde/female generalisations/jokes, which could be applied to me. In any case I don’t dwell on it, I laugh with it. But I must say some of Strom’s comments cause me to laugh out loud at the wrongness and audacity of them.

    I thought Americans had some constitution regarding freedom of speech?! and is a part of the appeal of reading Janet’s posters.

  14. And as for “…put together this outfit for… “. More like ‘slapped together’.

    I concur with Village, the stylist does not like this kid. The clothing is screaming for attention or trying to detract from something prehaps.

  15. Both of their kids have that smug, arrogant look which makes them highly unlikeable in my opinion.

  16. Well, at least the kid’s “fashions” is drawing our attention away from the news a few months ago of a possible divorce. The truth is Will and Jada have an open marriage and both cheat and both are AC/DC. Give another hurrah to Scientology, as they are deep in thetan counseling. SCI now has enough stuff about their weird life to get a few more million from them.

  17. Patrick had it right, it is a circus costume. A dreadful, really ugly clown like circus costume. The kind that should merit her a ride in the trunk of the clown car.

  18. I’d like to wipe that smug look off of her face & send her to bed. UGH!!

  19. she has a stylist ????? is that to say some(one)thing actually got paid to pick the crap up off her bedroom floor and slap it back on her so she can go out in public looking like a clothesrack. don’t laff at willow but fire the stylist who put this crap together!!!! abominable!

  20. Trying toooooo hard. She is a child, albeit and obnoxious one. Does she know she is only 11?

  21. She needs to be sent to camp with normal children in her age group. This is sad. An icon…not. I think she could be a cute kid if she grew her hair out and just said no to those ridiculous clothes and shoes. Be eleven kid and love it, you hopefully have about 50 years to be an adult.

  22. I wondered the same thing, Mel, but I suspect maybe Strom IS Janet!!

  23. one thing for sure … English is clearly not Strom’s first language – so he’s probably not Janet. I’m thinking a security guard at a Ukranian seven/eleven ….

  24. Ha, unfortunately wrong on all counts, but certainly not JC either.

  25. You’re just a tired fat queen sitting behind a computer. I do not see the “Strom” name at TMZ…you are a fraud and a coward and a rank racist and a sick homophobe.

    Newsflash! Extreme racists LOVE what they CLAIM to hate.

    HOMOPHOBES aka trash like strom are…can you guess? GAY.

  26. Pretty vile hatred you are spilling Melvin, but you are wrong on all counts…maybe if you lock arms with some local GLAD members and skip down to Starbucks for a latte you will feel better.

  27. And the venerable southern Strom Thurmond had a black lover for many years.

  28. Strom’s just a cowardly sub-literate, and I bet that if any celebrity just looked his way, he’d grovel. I think Mel’s got him pegged, as all his commentary about fluids and body openings, racial mixing etc. suggest a near pathological fixation. uck..

  29. Actually Pat, I have no relationship with or great knowledge of Strom Thurmond who certainly began life in a segregated state and worked to keep it that way. Later in life as the racial tide turned, he seemed to be more like George Wallace and show respect for all races. Much different than the token BLACK leaders like Jesse Jackson. I am not sure but dont think Strom ever had a black lover but he did have some sexual encounters with his family’s black housekeeper which resulted in a child, which he supported, also unlike many of today’s atheltes and entertainers.

    As needs to be said more often, anyone who has spent much time in Africa knows that American blacks are extremely better off than they would have been if they had stayed “home”.

  30. We probably would have loved to stay home, except that someone came and got us. And by the way–we ARE at home.

  31. Yes you are,,,but many seem not to want to acknowledge it, from phoney names, to dress, and a hatred of people many generations back. And the ones who “came and got us” where your own neighbors….not Strom Thurmond or George Wallace. Those neighbors were happy to take some trinkets for kidnapping. And the buyers were Dutch or French or English, not Strom Thurmond or Jefferson Davis or Ronald Reagan.

    Those ancestors suffered so this generation has reaps the benefits….if they choose to do so.

  32. These are the key words:

    Those ancestors suffered so this generation has reaps the benefits….if they choose to do so.

  33. And here we landed and here we stay–we cannot continue to denigrate an entire race by what is seen on television, or what has been assumed by minds that already biased. I have worked since I was eighteen and am in my 24th year for the county where I work, and I hate when I read about the mentality that we all want to do nothing but lie around and collect welfare.

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