If you thought Will Smith’s apology to Chris Rock for slapping him at the Oscars was stiff and insincere, you are not alone. There’s a noteworthy difference between saying “I apologize” and “I am sorry. ”
According to Google: There is a subtle difference between saying “I’m sorry” and “I apologize.” An apology is a formal admission of a wrongdoing. It may or may not be heartfelt — i.e., a person may apologize without feeling remorseful. On the other hand, saying “I am sorry” is usually seen as being a truer admission of regret.
Not only did Will offer a stiff “apology” but he made a subtle reference in his speech that implied that Rock’s innocuous joke about Jada’s bald head was meant as an insult – thus giving him a good reason to become violent. All in all, it seems Will Smith made that speech because he was pressured into it- NOT because thinks he was wrong. Will’s speech was actually just a PR move to get fans to forgive him.
Congrats to Chris Rock for not responding favorably!
His words were insincere and he blamed his actions, in part, on Chris, his victim.
Will is trying to save his own ass.
Dan Dan
Human activity is changing our planet’s climate in such a way as to destroy human life on earth. I don’t care about Will Smith did or with what intention to Chris Rock.
Will Smith is a total jerk, and deserves all the backlash he is receiving
A totally scripted “Three Stooges” slap gag that completely backfired on them.
Smith’s scientology team is getting worried now that his few fans have turned on him. They needed this because nobody wanted to watch the oscars anymore so they copied these stunts from MTV video awards.