According to the Enquirer, Will Smith and Jada Pinkett are on the verge of breaking up (“they’re headed for a $300 million divorce”) and they’re living in separate houses. Will HAS been a little put off by Jada’s obsessive desire to have a career as successful as his, whether it’s in movies or music. Scientology certainly won’t keep them together – the cult doesn’t mind when members divorce because usually both the husband and wife go on to recruit new members for the church. A spy reported to us that Will partied at Soho House Friday night with a bunch of buddies and it was definitely a “boys night out.” The guys had numerous bottles on the table and got louder and rowdier as the night went on. Jada was nowhere to be seen.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
pamela holme
I think,it comes a time in peoples lifes when u feel u need to move around, it’s not that u don’t care anymore it’s the way it is… Thank God”
be thankfore u have a lovely family.It is what it is” sometime i think about my life hoe sad,and unhappy.iam,So i just pray that someone nice come into my life. So be prayful,you know what to do,”Oh keep peolpes out of your life… sometime that’s what want.You are in my prays.
She is a mean little dyke….send her for a weekend with Cristina A!
second blind item from the web
While one Hollywood marriage is over because of multiple cheating scandals, another couple is using their debacle as an exercise in circling their own wagons. The second couple, who will be getting a divorce (despite their extensive denials), has had their legal teams reaching out to past and present paramours over the past few weeks to ensure that legal agreements are intact and that everyone is keeping their mouths shut. In some cases, the exes were reminded of confidentiality agreements with heavy legal penalties. In other cases, payoffs were made. You see, with this couple, revelations of extra-marital conduct would be devastating not only to their families but to their careers, since neither one is ready to come out of the closet yet. At least watching other blabbermouths come under scrutiny has had one positive effect on them: they’ve finally stopped bragging about their own fake sex life
blind item from the internet
The kids of this celebrity couple are not handling the upcoming divorce too well. One is angry and getting into fights at school. Another is crying every day and begging the couple to stay together. Another is in total denial and keeps cheerfully insisting to friends and relatives that the rumors are all lies and that the marriage is fine. Now that’s an actor in the making! We wonder if they know that Mommy and Daddy have been bearding for each other from the beginning. ??????????????????????????????
Even if the separation rumors are true. I think its best if these two stay in business. I happened to think Jada is fabulous. She’s been great at multitasking being an actress, dope mom, beautiful sista, wife to A-list actor and I love her sense of style and versatile edge. Will is my man! He definitely is one the sexiest guys that I have ever seen on screen or in print and that’s saying a lot coming from one whose seen many faces. I’m not into the lavender sweater but the style has always been masculine, well groomed, and fresh. he’s smart, handsome, positive, charismatic, funny, and magnetic. The kids are dope too!.
They have a perfect fake marriage.Both are gay and bearding for each other.
Given the rumors about Mr. Smith, I don’t think that he should be wearing lavender right now… 🙂
Off the subject but…………..
Why does Natalie Maines have a burr (or buzz cut ?) hairstyle?
She looked so cute with the slightly longer blonde hair but she looks like a little man with the brown burr!!!
Off the subject but…………..
Why does Natalie Maines burr have a burr (or buzz cut ?) hairstyle?
She looked so cute with the slightly longer blonde hair but she looks like a little man with the brown burr!!!
@Denise “I don’t know if they are gay, nor do I care. If people can’t support each other, they have no business being in a marriage anyway.”
I totally agree!! Exactly!!!!
Dead giveaway was how they would always gush about their perfect sex life and their perfect marriage and their perfect kids
I don’t know if they are gay, nor do I care. If people can’t support each other, they have no business being in a marriage anyway.
As to her desire to be as big a star as him: if true, it could never happen. She simply doesn’t have his charisma. Even in a bomb of a movie, like the Wild Wild West, his charm comes through and actually makes the film somewhat watchable. Although the presence of Kevin Kline helped too.
Send Jada, Oprah, Sam Ronson, Hillary C., and Joan Jett to Gay Island and let them go at each other tooth and nail!
Christine India aka Indy
PS: Tiny Tom, being of course one of the biggest in Scientology, is rumored to be the main brain-washed demon that talked Will and Company into joining; big money and presitige and all that you know.
Christine India aka Indy
I swear Jada is looking more and more like a man, which should mightily please gay Will every time he ummm..**romances** her. LOL.
After Judgment is pronounced on all Scientologists into Hades, I can just hear tiny Tom C. saying to Will….”I never promised you the ending would be great”.
I never bought the “we’re so HOT for each other act”.
How DARE Jada want a successful career of her own! The NERVE of her! If it’s true that Will is “put off” by her desire to have that, he is an asshole.
Isn’t being in scientology a security (think mafia protection) for those that are gay and in the entertainment industry?
Isn’t scientology some type of bizarre “insurance” for gay/lesbian actors where they are protected because scientology has so many members in all the right places and will take care of their public imagine?
A bad public imagine of a leading man or woman could cost a studio a ton of money.
I can’t help but wonder if all that money is worth all that time being someone you aren’t and trying to convince the world your
someone that you aren’t.
I don’t know if they are gay or not but if Cruise, Travolta, Will Smith, Jada Pinkett, Kristie Alley are gay, then I feel bad for them being unable to be themselves.
Everybody has been hinting at Smith & Pinkett’s impending separation/divorce. Hope their children have a decent handle on it.
Jada has always seemed like a mean little dyke!
Taffy Davenport
Well I for one, think he’s a fine young black man.
He may play for the other team, but I would show him a night to remember if given the chance…… Which looks very remote at this point.
forrest gump
…………..controling it.
it is common knowledge that they are bearding for each other except for the masses of mindless sheep in America who believe all of the fairy tales.
pippa martins-st. onge
I’ve heard the bearding rumour. I think that Jada is also rumoured to be a transexual.
Look Strom!
It’s a gay, black guy in a pinkish sweater!!
I thought it was common knowledge that they are bearding for each other. The younger son is getting in fights at school now because of the parents breaking up. Im sure they are all teasing him about having gay parents.