It’s a race to the BOTTOM for the Kardashians and Jenners – the bottom of Hollywood Blvd. that is! Family members Kris, Caitlin, Kim and Khloe are obsessed to see who can be the first the get a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. While Kourtney, Kendall, Kylie and Rob couldn’t care less about the honor, the other four are scheming to be the first to land a star. When they first starting making lots of money, they even made a bet that whoever got their star first, would collect $1 million from the other three. Although Caitlin has been pretty much ostracized from the rest of the group, the bet still stands. Here’s the interesting part: Caitlin was Bruce when the bet first started, and technically could wind up with a star under either name.
PHOTO: Sports Illustrated
The Walk of Fame is already a pathetic joke, putting any of the Kraptrashians on it will only make it worse!
Old Jogger
Someone photoshopped Caitlyn’s/Bruce’s GIGANTIC paws to looking normal.
Doc Hollywood
Too bad the star can’t be inside the museum of bad taste and poor choices. (Multiple partners, tacky behavior and complete greed and fame whoring). Sex tapes, plastic surgery, sham marriages….Im tired typing this lol. Plenty more.
I predict it will be Kim since Hollywood boulevard is littered with homeless people urinating and Kim is no stranger to getting peed on.
Arlene from Dragons Den
Bruce was once an admirable Athlete. Now she’s very mentally ill and depraved.