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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


We have to give credit to the publicist for the heist movie Widows: because they have whipped up considerable enthusiasm for the film. More than it deserves. The first explosive scene makes you feel like you’ve seen the movie before – many times over. Why does EVERY action movie start the same way – with ear-splitting detonations? All the men in Widows are despicable – the female stars try their best, but writers haven’t given them any likeable characteristics. The dismal story is set in politically corrupt Chicago where literally everyone seems to be on the take. We like someone to root for. Viola Davis’s dog was our favorite character.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. becca

    Remember, never, ever click on the comment with “Source” or “Celebrity Express” in it!
    That’s a Russian site that will infect your computer with malware & steal your info!

  2. obi

    ………’s about Micky rourke?

  3. Cardi D

    Nobody goes to the movies anymore . It’s all rubbish