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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


#richardtanner #janetcharlton

Does this face look familiar? This is a special week for our actor friend Richard Tanner who does NOT bear a strong resemblance to Marilyn Monroe in the photo above, but he’s funnier. His one man show “Small Parts” is debuting with four out-of town performances November 15 thru 18 at the Flight Theater in Hollywood. We’ve seen part of this act and couldn’t get enough. Richard has been struggling -and sometimes working- as an actor in Hollywood for decades and he is LOADED with hilarious stories about the celebrities he’s worked with, and the TV shows and movies he appeared in. We LOVED his tale about the first major Hollywood party he went to and his revealing encounters with Rosie O’Donnell, Billy Crystal, Bette Midler etc. Richard’s amusing take on Hollywood (with an arsenal of visual delights) is priceless and we predict he will take this appealing show all the way to Broadway. See it NOW while it’s affordable!

Click HERE for more info
Click HERE for tickets

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  1. Denise

    Good on you Janet for using your site to prop up your friends. We see little enough of that lately.

  2. Honoria

    Sounds funny, nice small theater too!

  3. Kitty

    Gross out

  4. Steve Canyon

    simply because his pen*s isn’t that big.

  5. jw

    Embarrassing… -_-