Joan Rivers badmouthed Chelsea Handler by calling her “not funny.” After all, Joan was the first female late night talk show host and Chelsea is the second. (Women should be supportive of each other.) Of course Chelsea has lasted longer – her E! show “Chelsea Lately” has been on the air since 2007. Since Chelsea IS definitely funny, we wonder if Joan begrudges Handler her job because Chelsea’s boyfriend is Ted Harbert is CEO boss of the E! channel. A legitimate beef, but not from Joan, who is guilty of engaging in the same nepotism for her daughter Melissa. Maybe Joan just dislikes everything on the E! channel since she and Melissa stopped doing red carpet coverage for them.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
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After watching Joan Rivers on The Apprentice
I can’t stand the sight of her. Before that I really did not notice her much.
I like Chelsea. I watch her all the time, she’s really not any worse than any of the late night hosts. Is she supposed to be all sweet because she is a woman?
Rosa Bella
Don’t know who Chelsea is. But, Joan is a foul mouthed, nasty creature. Joan is cruel, bigoted and mean. Cannot stand her.
The people that gave her the roast wasn’t funny. Jay Leno isn’t funny. Joan Rivers have been around for so long becuase she’s funny.
MELISSA, Dennis Miller became so sarcastic and mean that he no longer has much of a career. Chelsea will probably do the same. Joan has had a 50 year plus run. Chelsea will finish her run in about a year or so. She will go the way of Andrew Dice Clay sorry to say, because I liked her at first. Her Ego will will be her demise.
Joan Rivers USED to be funny, you know, back in the day. Now she is just a bitter old bitch.
Chelsea has a successful show because she has a sharp, biting wit, comparable to Dennis Miller. Viva la difference. I will take a sarcastic, clever, biting wit that stems from intelligence higher than my own any day.
I cosign, chelse is not funny and she isnt even on network tv and she is dating the top guy at E! so of course her show is still on.
I think both of them are funny. Joan has a new show that just started and i watched it, it was okay, nothing great. Chelsea, I watch her EVERY night and love her show. She did NOT only get her show by sleeping with the boss, she’s been around for a long time now and had another show before this on a different channel, with a bunch of other funny women, doing prank funny set-ups a-la Candid Camera. It was a pretty funny show called Girls Behaving Badly and ran for quite a while. I don’t miss her show at 11pm each night and she has a pretty funny round table of different people each night, for some funny discussion of current events & celebrities. Love Joan, detest her hanger-on daughter-horseface (which is why Joan doesn’t like Chelsea, she called Joans daughter a horseface on her show)!
Women need to support the RIGHT person; it would be ignorant to support someone solely because of their sex.
Joan Rivers is HILARIOUS…she is a “classic” and she knows the business of showbiz.
Chelsea Handler is NOT funny. And has totally gotten where she is by sleeping with the boss. I totally agree with Joan. She admits to having loads of plastic surgery and (particularly in this day and age) WHO cares?
She can say whatever she wants….she works her ass off and she’s past 70. Good for her. We need more acts like her. REAL COMEDIENNES.
Bettye Bluejay
I’m going to be the first in line for tickets when Sarah Palin’s video/film comes out.
They’re both unfunny. The difference however is that Joan is crude, rude and unkind. Chelsea just isn’t funny. But I do like how you say that women should be supportive of one another especially in high profile jobs. Kinda like how supportive the female population was of Sarah Palin, oh wait, that’s right, she was demonized as was her family. Never mind. Apparently the supportive hypocrisy only goes so far. Now that’s funny.
While I don’t know who Chelsea Handler is (isn’t she one of those commenters on “I Love the 80’s” or something?), I’m finding Joan to be an acerbic old hag. She used to be funny, but after her “Apprentice” stint and her recent quotes over the last few months, it seems she’s channeling her inner Leona Helmsley and gripes about eveything except her talentless daughter.
Noble Cascade
This Chelsea woman is NOT funny. I have tried to watch her show and it is terrible. Only because she sleeps with the boss does she have a show at all. Sorry, Janet, but this woman is a poor excuse of a comedian. Joan can be a devil but I have seen her act in Reno and she is a scream.
Joan is right Chelsea sucks!! at least Joan tells actual jokes while insulting people, Chelsea is just straight up mean and it’s actually kind of disturbing to watch
Chelsea Handler
WHO? Never heard of her….
Chelsea has to bd HANDLED correctly …..or there may be a catfight….
Jealousy….night and day you torment me.
Joan Rivers has got to be one of the most vile women ever to appear on tv. She is not funny,mean spirited and looks like a freak. She of all people should not be dishing others. The sooner she and her creepy daughter are dropped from all tv programming the better tv will become.
captain america
joan river’s PLASTIC SURGEON is much more funnier!!
……………thanks for the laughs!!
As much as I like Chelsea and her hair (she has great styles/stylists), she isn’t really that funny – at least not on her show, no idea what she is like as a stand up. She focuses more on badmouthing people and passes that off as humour. She is quick though, I’ve watched her show in the ‘past’ and have enjoyed her choice of guests and her interaction with them.
And I would expect that her bf would look after her, why wouldn’t he!
Joan is a funny comedian, I’ve watched her stand up and on various shows, including Graham Norton – she really is v.good.
The proof will come if Chelsea is still remembered/around, when she reaches Joans age.
Don’t like Joan at all, but she’s right on this. Chelsea is an unfunny wh*re.
Did you really need to post a picture of Joan (who’s husband actually hung himself. Most likely to get away from her) next to a picture of Chelsea. I nearly threw up.