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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Jared Leto has no shortage of female admirers, but whenever he makes a public appearance (dressed to the nines) he’s always without a plus one. He’s habitually had a lot of off-again on-again girlfriends and that came in handy when he was touring with his band 30 Seconds to Mars. BUT since 2015, he’s been on and off (mostly ON) with gorgeous Victoria’s Secret Russian model Valery Kaufman, but he keeps her WAAAY undercover. Is he afraid she will steal his thunder? They have been seen together doing ordinary things like shopping in a supermarket and hiking, but never at a public event. (She IS 23 years younger than Jared) Jared turned up at the Berlin premier of his film Morbius dressed to kill as usual. He spiffed up his Gucci suit with those GLOVES! (Madonna would be jealous!) and the sheer shirt is a first…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Lae Lae

    Leto has that creepy pedo vibe like john mayer and braff

  2. Tell the truth

    This is paid propaganda Kaufman has been since 2021 with a french boy that you can see their relationship on this 28 year old escort own instagram. She has not been seen in public with Leto since September 2020, and she was hired for PR and PR stunts, Valeriya Kiseleva aka Valery Kaufman is an escort nobody and was never Leto’s girlfriend or lover, she and her handlers know who is his real girlfriend. Before you post low lies you get paid for have the decency to look to this dishonest woman own instagram account to see her actual lover Dimitri Varsano.