Girls outnumbered guys by around 4 to 1 at Hugh Hefner’s Halloween bash at the mansion Saturday night. Hef held court at the main table by the dancefloor where he had a constant assortment of people lined up to greet him. Paris Hilton noticed that Hef and his three girlfriends Holly, Bridget, and Kendra (The Girls Next Door) were the center of partygoers attention, and THAT would never do! She leaped up on a nearby table and started dancing above the crowd in her skimpy white costume. Eyes swiveled in HER direction (just the way Paris likes it) and Hef’s girlfriends looked askance at Paris’s antics. Moments later, a Playboy security guard “helped” Paris DOWN from the tabletop, despite her protestations, and she reluctantly drifted back into the crowd. Hef’s girlfriends just smiled.

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11 thoughts on “WHOSE PARTY IS IT, ANYWAY?

  1. I can’t believe anybody still goes to the Playboy mansion. hehe. pathetic and so 1970s.

  2. Desperate! Get a clue, Paris, and grow up! You’re too old for that shit.

  3. Too bad they didn’t take Paris and Bill Maher out in the back and shoot them.

  4. =
    ===== Paris is an idiot! I’m sick of her already! ===
    ===My favorite Girl next Door is Bridget. She’s nice, sweet, and she’s at least going to college. smart girl with a plan! ====And the other two, well, they;’re gonna keep riding(hee hee hee)on Hef’s um…shall we say coat tails til he decides they’re too used up to enjoy anymore! Yuck.

  5. Hef is a bright and interesting man. Just can not figure out why he hangs out with such losers. Kristy, take Hef away from all of this. He is making a total fool of himself. Sell the Mansion for the sake of the share holders and get him a pad in New York where he can mix with interesting cultured people.

  6. Let’s hear about how Farrah Fawcett is doing, and not what Paris Hilton is doing.

  7. Bridget is from my home town, Lodi, California, and is nothing but an embarassment to the good folks of this community. The whole “3 girlfriends” thing is so sad and pathetic, especially considering that Hugh Hefner is a father of 2 teen-aged boys. The media needs to stop fixating on it all so that “Hef and his Hussies” will just have to slink back to obscurity.

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