Photo Credit: Splash News

It’s Tori Spelling hot footing it out of her hairdresser’s in Beverly Hills, looking really cute and blonder than ever. She’s got a big coffee in her hand – but it’s evidently not a fancy frappe and that’s what keeps her so trim. Not bad for a mother of two.

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  1. “not bad for a mother of two”? Are you insane?? She looks like she could fall over from lack of weight on her body. It’s disgusting that you applaud this. No wonder so many females have eating disorders.

  2. Freshly shampooed??? How about freshly over-bleached and looking like rats chewed on it.

  3. Agree #1; let’s not get all lovey about anexoria, shall we? (or drug abuse, whatever these narcissists are doing to look like skeltons.)

  4. When you’ve got nannies, housekeepers, loads of money & a famous name, there’s no reason you can’t workout & be thin. Most parents are exhausted sleep-deprived wrecks.
    Don’t know what Britney’s excuse is..

  5. She’s ill. And no one who ‘works out’ looks like this unless they are working their finger down their throat. She’s looks repulsive and she never had much room for error to begin with. Eat a sandwich, Tori before you really become shallow and one dimensional.

  6. This disgusting Woman cheated on her former Husband and broke up another marriage to satisfy her filthy lust. It’s only a matter of time until she does it again leaving her d-bag current Husband on the curb.

  7. NO, ofcourse not. This is DYED GENITAL-HAIR, folks!!

  8. She looks totally anorexic with bolted on tits. And let’s don’t even discuss her unfortunate face

  9. At least she seems to have abandoned the hair extensions. Getting rid of those can reduce the skank factor on anyone, even Paris Hilton.

  10. She looks like that large-breasted silhouette that you see on truckers’ mudflaps.

  11. Looks like her husband, Dean has faded into the background…where is he now? housebound husband looking after 2 little kids.

  12. Janet, I’ve been a fan of yours for AGES, so please hear me when I say STOP PERPETUATING this whole “she looks great” because she’s anorexic garbage! SHAME ON YOU! She does NOT look great! What the hell????? Stop it!!

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