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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD



Suzanne Somers looks hot in royal blue, but remains a controversial figure in Hollywood. She’s made a fortune on the shopping channels selling all kinds of fashions, beauty products, and vitamins, and has written books about how to stay young with the help of hormones. Remember her Thighmaster? Medical experts have criticized her health advice, but she has plenty of fans who love her books and products. The former “Three’s Company” pin-up girl is 69 now and looks splendid. And she’s been married to the same man – Alan Hamel– for thirty eight years!

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. Strom

    From another site about Suzanne Somers:

    Yeah, Suzanne is a bit past her expiration date.

    Some tea:

    Used to pick up girls in clubs on a regular basis. Either bring them to a hotel or go down on them in the bathroom. Pretty common celebrity behavior.

    She has an open relationship with her husband. The policy has always been that she can pursue women, not men.

    Had a long affair with Fran Drescher.

  2. Strom

    If so, that makes a lot of sense…..recently JCH has become the go to site for all things lesbo!

  3. danny

    She’s bisexual. Loves women.

  4. Gerseygal

    Home Shopping got rid of her, for being a fake. Selling face cream, mean while she’s at the doctors office getting a new face. Her husband was always creepy…..

  5. MissEva

    Ladies, bio-identical hormones are definitely better, because they stimulate your body to keep producing its own, whereas the others shut your own production down, so you’re completely dependent on them over time. The bios are costly, though, and most insurance won’t cover them.

  6. Chris

    I use bio Identicals and LOVE them! They are absolutely wonderful and have made my skin healthy, I sleep better and help keep me trim. I think Suzanne is amazing. She has sold terrific products. I just think she is long over due for a new hairstyle. The one she has now is dated and ages her.

  7. xyz

    Open relationship anyone? Who are they trying to fool?

  8. Leo

    Suzanne sommers is a you guessed it a very big piece of shit

  9. Strom

    Plenty of plastic and makeup in that old geezer….plenty of snips too.

  10. bon

    She should have written a book,How to choose the right doctors to stay young!

  11. Daniel Troppy

    She’s your quintessential Republican that has built an empire on being the snake oil salesman. I have zero respect for her.

  12. mister baja

    ………I would.

  13. Strom

    Thanks for your support!

  14. jaxon lsaak

    You explain a subtle way with lots of suggestions. I have grown and learned so much. Yet still reminded!

  15. Strom

    Suzanne, Dr. Phil, Dr. Oz, Dionne Warwick…all tv fakes who have taken much $$$ for bad advice.

  16. pinkandyellowroses

    Excellent business sense – hideous fashion sense. Only black shoes/boots are appropriate with black hose.

  17. Philberto Cardenez

    Janet admires Women that get wealthy by purely fraudulent means….as long as they are not fat,,,

  18. nancy

    Great for her getting rich peddling nonsense to women

  19. Palermo

    I think she does a great disservice to women with her advice. First it was the mistletoe injections for breast cancer instead of traditional treatment; then it was bio-identical hormones. If they are identical, don’t they cause the same problems as regular hormones. She’s made a fortune, I’ll give her that.

  20. Noblecascade

    Good for her! She sure had the last laugh!