Speculation abounds regarding the parentage of Michael Jackson’s children but perhaps the most unlikely rumor is the one where Michael’s dermatologist Dr Arnie Klein impregnated his nurse Debbie Rowe. Trust us, Michael’s genetically engineered children were carefully planned and conceived. Michael is far more likely to have chosen his idol Macaulay Culkin for a sperm donor than the affable but not particularly attractive Dr Klein. As we’ve said before, it is also highly probable that hefty Debbie Rowe is not the genetic mother – merely the surrogate baby carrier. For all we know, Michael (who was weight obsessed) might have bought eggs from a Swedish supermodel on eBay.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
And storm you are an idiot, just because you are boning some kid in your hose does not mean MJ was doing it moron. Mac. has said several times that it never happened.
Anyone who thinks Arnie is father is seeing what they want to see. MJ is the father of all 3 case closed.
I thought he was Tom Arnold .
Janet, post photos of a younger Dr. Klein: both PM1 and PM2 look JUST like him. Paris looks like Debbie. I personally believe Dr. Klein was the donor in all three cases, and Debbie for sure in the first two, possibly the third. Not sure what this matters, but it is what it is.
And I agree that Blanket is probably Debbie’s bio kid too – just born out of a real surrogate.
Seeing as Paris has Debbie’s eye color and BOTH she and PM 1 have her chin, they are DEFINATELY her kids. And, honestly, I think MJ could be the dad, look at pics of MJ before he got all wacky faced. PM1 has a round face just like MJ did when he was a kid.
Who cares who the bio parents are anyway? MJ was their daddy and Debbie gave birth to them and was in the home with them for at least three years.
Debbie should have custody just to get them out of Hollyweird AND to get them away from Joe…he’s an ass.
Wasn’t it a well founded rumor that Michale was boning Macualay for years.
Didn’t Macaulay agree to testify at Jackson’s pedophile trail ONLY if he was assured that the rumor that he was the father of Prince and Paris wasn’t brought up? You would have to be blind, or never seen many parents side by side with their children to not realize that Macaulay is the father of Prince and Paris. I’m sure that Paris and Prince were created invitro, so don’t be surprised if Michael didn’t keep some of Debbie’s eggs and just use a different Daddy sperm for Blanket. I think in his warped mind, he would some connection between them all.
Bozo the Clown
Debbie is the bio mom and old doc Klein is the pop. Trust me on this gang.
captain america
The idea that Debbie Rowe is not the biological mother is absurd. The resemblance of Paris to Debbie Rowe is obvious.
But despite that, as another comment points out, these children were born while MJ & Debbie were legally wed therefore under CA law they are the legal parents of those children regardless of any genetic differences.
Voice of Reason
Blanket’s mother was probably donor herself. Should she come forward now and claim Blanket because she is the donor and biological mother. I don’t think so, but she is the same as SJP though. Confused yet?
Let me re-phrase this paragraph or my English teacher will kill me from the grave. It’s possible that Blanket’s mother was a surrogate herself (eggs not hers). So the biological mother of Blankets (the egg donor) may feel she has a stake in this. Phewwwww.
Voice of Reason
Hey zippystarshine,
Suppose Sarah Jessica Parker donated her eggs. Is SJP still the mother being that she is the egg donor. Are you saying that SJP surrogate is the mother. Or are you willing to ignore that little detail because the donor is a famous movie star.
Lets face it. Many women that cannot carry a child have their eggs fertilized in vitro and planted in the surrogate (say Debbie) and then when the kid is born, the donor who is THE BIOLOGIC PARENT takes baby home after the birth. See how it works. Debbie cannot come forward and claim motherhood when she was never one psychologically and certainly not one biologically.
Debbie is in equal footing as Blanket’s mother who nobody knows who she is. The fact that we know Debbie means squat. Blanket’s mother was probably donor herself. Should she come forward now and claim Blanket because she is the donor and biological mother. I don’t think so, but she is the same as SJP though. Confused yet?
This is what happens when idiots mess up with God’s business. Those children are in the hurt locker. I don’t agree they stay with the Jackson either (no bias here).
Who do they stay with then? You can bet your last dime the Jacksons are not letting them go easily for fear of the kids being exploited and robbed. You will see Jesse Jackson and the his band of fools take this to the California SC.
I am not saying the Jacksons are the better option. I don’t know who is. At least they know the family and apparently MJ did not cloister them but from the public. I think the kids need to have their trust locked down real good to prevent a raid. And pray those kids make it to 18 ASAP.
Debbie Rowe is clearly the mother of Paris…the resemblance is undeniable…
She may not be the genetic DONOR (egg donors are not referred to as mothers, Janet) but legally, if she gave birth to them in the state of CA, she is the biological mother. And that has a LOT of weight in the courts of Cali.
If she goes for it, and it appears she is… she’ll get the kids, trust me.
Pray that cockeyed enabler ISN’T the donor! Boy, did MJ pick some FUGLY folks to be playing baby with him! Maybe they were the only ones he could buy into going aslong with his sceme. Remember, in the Englishman’s famous interview MJ said with Paris he too her right after being born “with the cord still dangling”and the interviewer said “and they LET you do that?” MJ answered “Why suuure, why not? There’s nothing WRONG with it!”