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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD



Take a close look at this magazine cover. The model on the cover was born a woman. Who even KNEW there was a magazine for transgender female to male people? Aydian Dowling, 27, documented his own transition on his YouTube channel. He’s been married to his wife Jenilee for three years now and has his own clothing line aimed at helping transitioning.

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  1. Strom

    They are all nuts who want society to provide wealth and happiness for them! Call them out for the weirdos they are.

  2. Guest

    This really makes me sick. You can change your name and appearance but this woman will never be a man. Is it trendy to be mentally ill? Deal with your lot in life! If I think I’m a unicorn, I’m not going to morph into one! What’s sad here is that the media is giving into her illness. Amy (Aydian’s given name) and her wife are more addicted to fame than anything else.

    Her wife is also a nutcase. Google Jenilee Anzalone or Jenilee Dowling and you’ll come to see that she is a Trans Chaser. She dated one version of an Aiden for years before cheating on Aiden for Aydian whom she found online. She kept her relationship hidden from her friends and loved ones until coming out on MTV in an It Gets Better freak show special.

    Oh and about MTV, Amy tried to get on the Real World and auditioned to be a housemate. These are two sick people to love to be in the limelight. She even sold t-shirts to pay for her surgery.

    Please stop giving in to their mental illness. Both Aydian ans Jenilee need help.

    Just don’t go to Jenilee for counseling though! She’ll try to read your cards and tell you that she’s an emotional healer. She couldn’t be less qualified to help people or do black magic.

    How pathetic for the both of them.

  3. xyz

    Mutilated woman, just like Chaz Bono

  4. Strom

    Odd that people see hate….no hate is around, but no enablement either.

    Is Jenilee a gay or a lesbo?

  5. Anne Sudzina

    I read the comments on this blog a lot
    and I can’t believe how people have so much hate for each it’s a shame

  6. veritas


  7. Natalie

    Honestly, I just don’t understand what’s happening. Why (or when or how) has sexuality and gender issues become such a big problem for people?

  8. Kat

    I prefer the phrase “not average” to “not normal.” Come on, folks, let’s be kind to one another.

  9. mister baja

    no…………….a lie.

  10. mister baja

    some biological can’t be ‘explained’.
    so leave it that way…………

  11. Palermo

    2015, the year of the transgender. It’s not normal and will never be. End of.

  12. toomuch

    Is he going to have a baby too?

  13. Strom

    Rainbow generation wants to make us believe “Gay is OK”….its not!

  14. xyz

    0h, yes, the scummy homosexual/tranny agenda at work. Aydian, dear, as long as u have a vagina, u are a woman, dont lie to urself….

  15. namers

    Do he and Chaz Bono get a functioning penis? Or? Just curious.

  16. Dick
