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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD



Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

Pamela Anderson’s son Brandon, 13, is turning into quite a looker and we can’t decide if he’ll start getting tattoos like his father Tommy Lee, or rebel against his parents’ lifestyle and turn into a brainy studious type or a clean-cut athlete. Pam seems like a hands-on mother, but we wonder how all that obvious sexuality at home will affect her sons.

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  1. shesintoit

    Doesn’t she have a tramp-stamp with her son’s name tatooed on her ass?..

  2. :D

    Just relax and enjoy it, Pammy!..

  3. Strom

    Looks like this thread had all the usual suspects except the Pied Piper!

  4. oneday

    Pam will not avoid incest…

  5. Shannon moody

    I think Brandon will look like my sweetheart Glenn Brandon

  6. Casonia logenberry


  7. T. Abu

    …One day Pam Anderson
    Will be Pam UnderSon…

  8. bongo

    Poor kid (s) I hope Pammy and Tommy have enough money left after buying all those drugs to get the boys the help they will need. Imagine what the other kids say to him on the playground? How would you like to have to defend your mother when she insists on presenting herself as a whore? Meet the kid halfway, Pam. Cover up and when you want to walk the runway in a thong, just think that your kids are cringing. You have a responsibility to those boys, they didn’t ask to be born. You birthed them, you bring them up right.

  9. Kay

    I bet he cant stand her and is embarrased by her. All of his friends have seen her naked. He knows he has a slore for a mom.

  10. Lisa

    Ten bucks says he smokes and raids the liquor cabinet when Mom’s not around…or maybe when she is….hmmmm…

  11. MOM


  12. Jake

    Has Hoodlum written all over him!

  13. chi chi

    He’s at the awkward stage, only a tween. I can see her sons being gay for sure, not an insult BTW.

  14. Nursie

    It is my understanding that when Pam found out about the hep c and started treatment she turned to the Lord of Healing for a miracle. Obviously she has back slidden.

  15. dandy lion

    A couple of years back, she was on Leno or Letterman and she was saying that she taught Sunday School to ages about 10-12. She also stated she devoted a lot of time to the boys. Wonder how long this lasted.

  16. kate

    with parents like that, let’s hope he turns out o.k.

  17. Barkley

    I seriously think Capt. America is gay. And just can’t accept it. Maybe some hot guy in Hollywood (or wherever he’s from) should reach out to him and save him.

  18. Etienne

    @i am smart

    Two words: Rumer Willis.

  19. SebastianCanada

    The kid is an ordinary 13-year old kid, with a lot of growing ahead of him. Why do people in the sycophantic part of the entertainment business (entertainment reports, gossip columnists, etc.) always try to promote the idea that celebrities are some sort of nobility, and that the qualities that made them famous (usually their looks) will automatically be passed down to their children? Genetics is the biggest crap shoot around. It took centuries, even millenia, of selective breeding to create breeds of dogs that consistently produced certain qualities. And what did we get? Tall lean dogs with weak legs and back problems, cute terriers with hair-trigger tempers, etc.

  20. captain america

    raised to be an american FAGGOT-LOVER can be a punishment, folks!!

  21. Snaps

    I think he’s a cutie. Looks won’t be his problem. His parents are both disgusting jerks.

  22. right

    but we wonder how all that obvious sexuality at home will affect her sons.

    100% chance they will be screwed up

  23. i am smart

    I agree he is not all that great looking, but (to be fair) he can’t help the way he looks. Maybe he will be the “ugly duckling that turns into a swan” in 5 or 6 years. In the meantime, here’s hoping that he can luck into a good friend, teacher or pastor that can steer him away from his parents’ skanky lifestyle.

  24. PoopieStryker

    I’m sure he will blossom into a fine looking young man soon enough. What bugs me is that mom will try to extend her 15 minutes by proxy thru her kids like all these hazbeen parents.

    Say Madonna / Lourdes
    Billy Ray Cyrus / Miley
    Tom and Katie Cruise / Suri
    Demi Moore / her daughters
    and so many others kids on parade by mom/dad

    They feel the kids give them license to do just that. I mean, here she is in the photo jacking the kids style (or a future run at it).

    Ignore the kids until they develop a legit talent on their own and these narcissistic people go away hopefully. I mean it’s hard to get roles and work in hollywierd, why should these kids jump ahead because of who their parents were.

  25. Reta

    OH….AND…. he looks much like that horrible Hogan teen that drunk driving nearly killed his best friend and took off part of his head and left him brain dead. Look at this kid’s face and then look at young Hogan’s face, they look very similar!

  26. Reta

    I agree, this kid is no “looker”. His eyebrows are very odd-strange looking and he hasd his MOTHERS strange huge lips. Not hot on a boy or man. He is what you’d call a “geek”. Too bad he didn’t take after Tommy more in the looks department. At least HE has a man’s face.

  27. palermo

    What role models do those kids have? Shudder

  28. Barkley

    Once again Janet, your taste is up yer ass. The kid’s homely. You just like his clothes.

  29. Etienne

    My dead Uncle Clovis has asshairs that are better looking than that kid.