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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Hard to imagine, but a perfectly normal (and attractive) young woman has said yes to a marriage proposal from Andy Dick. The fiancé is Elisa Jordana, 32, and she has a YouTube show, Kermit And Friends, that Andy, 55, often appears on. Is it possible she doesn’t know about his predilections? Andy has been arrested numerous times for drug possession and DUI (he once crashed his car in front of my house and ran away) Banned from driving, he rode bicycles to clubs where he molested doormen by shoving his hand down their pants. He’s been beaten up and arrested numerous times for forcefully kissing, licking, and molesting both women and men, and indecent exposure (once in McDonalds!) His last girlfriend has a restraining order against him effective until 2023. Elisa says she loves Andy’s sense of humor, but hopefully, she will google him and come to her senses.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. RHC in FLA

    Based on her ‘relationship’ with Benjy from The Howard Stern Show and her very short-lived stint on Vanderpump Rules I would say she will attach herself to anything that might bring her fame & fortune. Yuck.

  2. Cheerio

    Strom as per usual you are nothing but a racist pos, let’s talk about prince Andrew, Jeffrey Epstein, Clinton, as a general rule men tend to be in positions of power and abuse that power and prey on women, even that bikram yoga fraud guy.

    As for Jordana, her ex is Benjy bronk from the Howard stern show, Andy dick might be better looking than creepy benjy, but I don’t know why such a pretty girl dates the ugliest hogs and dirtbags she can find. I’m no beauty queen, but I would never spread my legs for an old, ugly guy, I don’t care how much money he has.

  3. German television red carpet star.

    Janet, she may just be after his money like Hilaria Baldwin and Katherine McPhee

  4. Strom

    She is looking for her few minutes of fame.

    Obviously Andy hasn’t been beaten to within an inch of his life, which is what he deserves for the grabbing and major groping incidents.

    But many ghetto rappers do the same or worse every day and seem to have few problems.

  5. Diva

    They will never marry.

  6. Wilson

    Totally agree with Janet.

  7. Patrick

    Gonna be a laugh riot at the family get togethers!
    “Come on dad, so what if he keeps fondling your crotch, it’s just Andy being Andy!”