In 1989 the Academy made the cruel mistake of nominating the “Stars of Tomorrow” on the Oscars and having the young performers sing and dance on the show (including Corey Feldman.) Watch this clip and you will be shocked by how LITTLE success many of these familiar young actors had – none of them came close to getting an Oscar…(Watching Bob Hope and Lucille Ball in their 80’s introduce the segment is fun too!)
Wednesday, November 3, 2021
Thomas Bombardier
Wow, how late into the Oscars was this performed? I was falling asleep halfway through it.
Hilary Grant
While none were Oscar winners, a majority of them were able to make a living in the business, including Tracy Nelson, Patrick Dempsey, Christian Slater and Melora Hardin (who had a great run on The Office). Holly Robinson just filmed a Hallmark movie. But whatever happened to Tyrone Power Jr and never heard of Savion Glover! Any relation to Crispin Glover????
Diane M. McGill
Patrick Dempsey has done pretty well on TV and, yes, Savion Glover.
Savion Glover!!!! I disagree, Janet.
With the above exception, the performances were not fantastic and no one got Oscars, but most had successful careers (a few drugged out, but then they are mostly Hollywood spawn). There were only 3 or 4 I had never heard of.
LOVED Corey Feldman’s Michael Jackson imitation!
Jerry Dale
It would be interesting to speak to the producers of that year’s Oscar telecast and find out whose idea it was for this gem of a number. On the other hand, it does make for a good story for any one of those performers to be able to tell their children they once performed at the Academy Awards.