It’s a miracle that Kanye West and Amber Rose weren’t asked to leave any of the fancy stores where they shopped in Rome, when you observe how he walked around – with droopy pants and his underwear on display! The pair nonchalantly browsed in Fendi and Missoni, oblivious to the startled people with a rear view of them. What must they think of Americans?
Thursday, November 12, 2009
the interesting thing about this prison garb inspiration is that when a man wears his pants in this manor in prison it means he is claimed as an inmates *bitch*. meaning the person who owns them can pull down and claim them anytime they want. cannot understand why so many follow this trend with pride.
Liberal Media Is Corrupt
Mommas, don’t let your babies grow up to be Kanye.
Steve Drill
Hah! typical neegrah.
Red Rooster
Whenever I see this ridiculous way of wearing pants, I have this terrible urge to run up behind them and pull their pants all the way down and take their wallets while they lie writhing on the ground with their pants around their ankles, trapped. The perfect crime!
Bettye Bluejay
The Prez was right, Kanye IS a JACKASS.
BAN him from all award shows!!!
L'il Off Broadway
He gives America a bad name, worse than we already have. Kick him out of the stores for inappropriate dress.
gawd…its supposedly so chilly he has a scarf wrapped around his mouth but he has his gloryhole sticking out?!?…is he waiting for a groady garza?
People who wear their pants like that are so ridiculous!!!
chi chi
Europeans arent into that look at all, tres gauche.
I guess thats why he hasn’t been making the news here in the states lately for his obnoxious behavior…he’s been hanging out in Europe. Maybe they will like him better than we do. Drop off the face of the world loser!!!!
He is walking with a woman but letting men know that he is available for a booty call.
I understand that the baggy, drooping pants thing mimics prison clothing, where convicts don’t have belts to hold up their trousers. If prisons switched to jumpsuits, these ridiculous jailhouse mimics would at least spare us the sight of their backsides.
captain america
do not panic, folks.
(even in rome)
GROSS !!!!!!!!!!
dee cee
The whole knowing he has no shame, control over his immature brain thought it was pointless to complain to the grumpy fool and have him scream at them for bigotted opinions, jealous criticism and prudish views.. when he is a god.. a star.. the best singer everywhere and anywhere and is deserving of privilages no one else can have..
With his pants already down I guess he likes to keep his sexual options open…lol
He looks like an complete idiot!
Today I had the ‘pleasure’ of walking behind a complete twat like this today, smoking too – yuck.
I thought what a tool, I don’t want to see your a*se you loser.
What a complete asshole he is! How would HE like it if all the people in front of him pulled down their pants and made him look at their ugly asses? This has GOT to be THE ugliest most stupid “fashion” statement ever to date. I can’t wait for it to go away. I’m going to start running around with my fat ass hanging out!