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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD



Glamour magazine has been scratched off a lot of subscription lists since they named Caitlyn Jenner one of their “2015 Women of the Year.” After the award event, the husband of a female cop killed on 9/11 send BACK his wife’s posthumous award after Glamour gave the SAME award to Jenner. He asked “Was there NO WOMAN in America or the world more deserving than this man?” And we loved him for that. After accepting the award, Caitlyn remarked “The hardest part about being a woman is figuring out what to wear.” This irked many women, among them- Rose McGowan. Rose ranted on Facebook- addressing Caitlyn, she wrote ”You do not understand what being a woman is about at all. We are more than deciding what to wear. We have had a VERY different experience than your life of male privilege. Being a woman comes with a lot of baggage- the weight of unequal history. Woman of the Year! Not by a long shot!” Rose emphasizes that she is NOT transphobic, but like many woman she resents a man putting on high heels and declaring himself female. There’s a LOT MORE to being female. Frankly, we don’t think Caitlyn should have ACCEPTED that honor- we could have admired her for THAT humility.

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. Mary

    So why is everyone swallowing the pill and calling Bruce by a girl’s name? I’m quite tired of seeing that hideous made-up face and fake hair getting so much media attention. What a good looking dude he was back when he won the gold medals. Now…yuck!

    And I hear that Michael Moore is in the process of “becoming” a woman. OMG! Get ready for fugly!

  2. missyco

    So is Caitlyn just a man in a dress? Is there still a penis on her? Why would she want a mans penis if she wants to be a she? I don’t get it.

  3. koos


  4. Hilary

    Bruce is a fraud comment is right on! And remember, he’s still pre-op… which means that Caitlyn’s male genitals are still intact. Going from male to female in that direction is much easier than going the other way. Let’s see when, and IF, that will happen.

  5. Natalie

    Not sure how Woman of the Year means Mother of the Year. But at any rate, the dude is appalling and why people fawn over him is beyond my comprehension. Men have ZERO understanding of what it’s like to be a woman, even if they put on a dress.

  6. Mary

    I agree with Susan C.

  7. ah-yuck

    @Bluejay – LOL! I was thinking the same, Mother****** of the year.

    That entire clan are demon possessed.

  8. Strom

    What a joke, it says so much that the most famous “woman” is a man in a dress!

    Angelo and the Pied Piper love the PC World!

  9. Bruce is a fraud

    Rose is correct. Bruce is not a woman, he is a narcissist who just thrives on feminine attention. Bruce doesn’t have periods, experience cramps, give birth or have to deal with making less money then real actual men.

  10. Kim St Clood

    An utter disgrace

  11. Bluejay

    Mother of the Year? You mean, Motherf____r of the Year.
    HE never mothered anything, except, maybe the wheels on his car. The car that he drove that killed an innocent person.

  12. Bucky M

    Not a fan of Jenners or Kardashians.

    Jenner and Kris were seemingly absent parents the last three or so years. The two youngest kids seem to have just run amok, raised themselves and lived their lives as if they were grown.

    The marriage to Kris had to have been a money/fame connection.

    While Kris was snoring in bed, Jenner was laying there wondering if he could fit his butt into her new dresses.

  13. Bluejay

    Everytime I see the guy I think, Look at Those PAWS! Gigantic Paws!

  14. Bluejay

    That award, Woman of the Year, was more than catnip, more like a narcotic, to tranny Bruce. He’s NOT a woman. Bruce is a man dressing like a woman, and grew his hair out/got extensions.

  15. AnnaBelle Leigh

    How about the 2 women that became Army Rangers for the first time this year?? Much more deserving I think……..

  16. JimJam

    And under all this nonsense there is still a dick. Some woman.

  17. Susan C

    Are you kidding me? The Arthur Ashe courage award stole it from that courageous player Lauren Hill who while riddled and dying with cancer kept raising money for research and now Glamour is doing the same thing.
    This man is a joke and is using his fame to manipulate magazines to give him space and sell more magazines. I am so angry that people are falling for this joker who needs to just go away.

  18. Palermo

    Did he glue his left eyelashes together, what is up with that eye? I agree with the man, this award should have gone to a woman, or at least a transgender who actually did something besides putting on makeup and wearing clothes too young for a 66 year old.