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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


A few years ago, Weird Science star Kelly LeBrock revealed that she was writing a book about her life and promised details about her toxic marriage to Steven Seagal, which ended when he got their nanny pregnant. (Kelly said she waited until her children were grown to talk about their father.) At that time he had already been accused of sexual improprieties (including rape) and since then, many more women have come forward with charges of sexual misconduct and assault. But the book never materialized! Was Kelly pressured by her creepy ex NOT to write it? Will we EVER know the truth?

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Giuliana de Pandi Rancid

    The bodyguard?!! The spray-on hair??!!!

    We are CRYING with laughter at this earth-pig! 😀

  2. Mean Gene

    First, Kelly was most likely visited by some of Putin’s henchmen at the request of Steve and was very politely warned not to go ahead with the book or that her safety couldn’t be guaranteed.

    2nd; AFFA81. Shut your mouth you disingenuous ahole. The only lies and smears come from the libtards who will sink to any depth to smear and character assassinate anyone that threatens their power.

    Trump and Kavanaugh just kicked you in your scrawny ass.

  3. AFFA81

    haven’t you heard? the senate and white house say there is no such thing as sexual improprieties (including rape) and women who try to speak about it are all liars and will be ignored, mocked, and assaulted all over again…it will never end for them. but since it never happened who gives a shit?

  4. clarence

    …………..he ate it raw? hahahahahahahahahahahahaha

  5. Patsy Parasi

    This heinous criminal belongs in a cold damp prison cell