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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


The day after Kim Kardashian and Pete Davidson enjoyed pizza and Rite-Aid ice cream, Kanye West turned up at a party at Delilah. Here’s an interesting group that gathered in one corner of the place. Kanye plopped himself down right next to Madonna – unnecessarily increasing his chances of being photographed. He had dressed his cooperative girlfriend Julia Fox in some dangerously low cut leather pants that made her a paparazzi target and the couple made a point of doing some serious smooching for the cameras. Madonna was NOT with her boyfriend at the party, but she couldn’t seem to keep her hands off that young woman leaning on her lap. Boxer Floyd Mayweather and footballer Antonio Brown seemed amused by the whole situation…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Roofus

    What a nasty looking scene. Gross.

  2. Britney's Koran classes

    Do you think Britney will follow sharia law when she marries Sam? At least she has a sizeable dowry.

  3. Karma

    Kanye – The religious singer, minister. This is a very confused, lost excuse for a man.

  4. Broen's Reach

    Madonna is a filthy disgrace of a woman.