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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo Credit: Splash News

This huge sexy Calvin Klein billboard covers most of a building in Manhattan and many observers are wondering “What IS the message here?” Could it be “Three guys are better than one?” or “Let’s have some group sex!” Does it make YOU want to buy Calvin Klein jeans?

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  1. Anonymous

    10:14 ha ha – you are right! They look like Morons!

  2. Anonymous

    6:39 I’m not saying looking at this billboard will make you go home and beat your wife and impregnate your daughter ?? (you said it not me) what I’m saying is if you think there’s nothing wrong with this ad, then you must think the harder porn is okay and I’m telling you the risks that you’re taking by looking at that filth. Of course rapist, molesters etc. have always been around, what do you think that pornography showed up with Hugh Hefner? It’s been around for thousands of years, I suppose you have never seen the Roman ruins, those people were disgusting just like today they even wore theirs. Perversion is everywhere whether you’re rich or poor, the demons are out and they’re free to roam.

  3. gay tallywacker

    All those boys look the same.

  4. Anonymous

    @ 1:53 AM Anonymous. Hi, believe it or not, when I typed this I knew it was mis-spelled…must have had brain drain. Hard to believe I won a spelling bee in 7th grade. Anyhoo, wow, I don’t know what happened. Thanks for pointing it out; I am really embarrassed. Crucifixion. Thanks again.

  5. Anonymous

    4.55 that is a briliant freudian slip there -cruciFICTION !!! Either you can’t spell ( typical ) or you’ve let something slip there. If you are religious at least learn to spell the important things in your life.

  6. anonymous

    Not provocative, not pretty, not sexy and not cool. Just DUMB. They all look like morons. Calvin Klein has always gone for this look. Only those Marky Mark boards looked good.

  7. Anonymous

    Why can’t you people just believe the Bible? Would you rather believe Kabbalah or Scientology, both devoid of the crucifiction of Christ, who is our salvation.

  8. Anonymous

    Sure looking at this will make teenagers say “DUUH I thinks Ill go make me a babee…” America with its no sex education and massive abstinence industry has the highest teenage pregnancy rate in the developed world, FIVE times higher than the lowest, ultra liberal easy going porn friendly Holland where sex education starts at 5.

  9. Anonymous

    This reminds me of Jean Paul Gaultier. Some prissy American fashion journalists called one of his collections s&m porn. So he sent them a parcel of proper s&m porn “just so they could tell the difference in future”