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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Brazilian born Rodrigo Alves loves being called “the human Ken doll” and seems to enjoy even negative attention. (He claims he was unattractive and made fun of in high school.) Alves, who claims to be 33, has had over 50 surgeries and over a hundred cosmetic procedures, including having fat removed from his waist and back and injected into his butt. (Maybe that’s why his suit looks so small!) He’s even planning to have his eye color changed surgically. Where does all that money come from? He says he inherited money from his grandfather plus all his surgeries are filmed and photographed so….
(Above, Rodrigo is leaving a med spa in London after 3 hours of botox and filler injections)

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. Papa Don't Preach

    I don’t know what he sees. But I know what I see. A damned lunatic, that’s what.

  2. Palermo

    Completely insane. Why are his clothes all three sizes too small

  3. bear mountain

    a miscarriage of an ape?

  4. india moon

    he sees a hot mess

  5. lippp

    Maybe Joan Rivers really didn’t die!!!

  6. libby

    he obviously suffers from body dismorphia

  7. krtmom

    Obviously he is mentally ill and the doctors that are willing to that to someone are criminals and should have their medical licenses taken away!!!

  8. ah-yuck

    Wow, 50 surgeries, over 100 procedures & 3 hours worth of botox only to look deformed. Priceless.

  9. Diva

    He looks like a woman

  10. GigiHaditall

    He should be in an asylum