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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


To be honest, we were surprised that Jan Michael Vincent lived as long as he did, considering how crazed from alcohol and drugs he was. In the early 80’s, Jan sometimes turned up at Joe Allen’s restaurant – a hangout for actors, and he was always loaded. We remember one night we encountered him (he was still handsome) leaning against the wall in the hallway leading to the bathrooms. Girl-fans were trying to flirt and chat but he staggered and slowly slid down the wall to the floor in a heap. He had to be helped out. We only recall seeing one other famous actor so out of his mind in public: Mel Gibson. We were in an after-hours LA club (80’s) and a very drunk but cute Mel, was bouncing around the dance floor with many females in hot pursuit. One after another, these predatory girls took him outside to their cars for “private time” with him. He staggered back looking a mess with lipstick on his face. They also passed him around like a toy for kisses on the dancefloor. Worse things can happen…

Above: Jan in 1983

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Dusty P

    Although handsome when he was young, He always had a bad boy look about him.

    He had a reputation of being a drunk and abuser.

  2. Yanick Chery

    Love Joe Allen’s. I used to go there for drinks and one night Al Pacino was seated at a back table alone muttering to himself the whole night.

  3. kiki

    ……….their belly?

  4. Gemma

    Janet needs to write a memoir about her wild days.