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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


The real tragedy in the Angus T Jones story is not the fact that he bad-mouthed his own TV series, but the fact that the 19 year old actor has been brainwashed into a cult. His parents’ divorce seems to have devastated the kid and he has no close ties to his family now. It’s when young people like him (especially wealthy ones) are adrift and ”lost” that cults like Scientology or “Forerunner Chronicles” step in and offer a solution. That video was a sad example of what they have done with his malleable mind. Hopefully “Two and a Half Men” producers can see what’s happening and NOT take it out on Jones by firing him. And hopefully there is a cult interventionist waiting in the wings…

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  1. Hello

    How Muslim can he be when he still follows the cabal to kill Muslims. He has been indoctrinated to to pay heed to the Zionist wishes.

  2. strom

    I agree w/ you. They know they can’t cut it on their own.

    Poor little imposters and the Pied Piper…ashamed to post under their own names so they want to be strom or like strom but just can’t pull it off. They also can’t comment on the thread…but just squeal when they can talk about their blueberry muffin’s.

  3. Hello

    I really don’t get it when people sign off as strom if they not strom. Why?

  4. strom

    This has turned into a long thread about Angus T, who really isn’t worth this much comment. He will get his hand slapped for potentially losing a fat paycheck and then go back to work.

    The last 2 strom posts are from the poor little impotent imposter….it just squeals with laughter when it tries to be strom.

  5. strom

    I are so a narsisit

  6. St. James

    strom doesn’t know what a narcissist is, let alone how to spell it !

  7. strom

    strom is no narcissist.
    The above posts are from the imposter.

  8. strom

    Poor little imposter and Pied Piper…they truly think strom is the greatest.

  9. strom

    Poor little imposter and Pied Piper…they truly think strom is the greatest.

  10. St. James

    YA for Lennie and Abdul , oh a Ginger and Tony J. plus both of the Ortiz brothers too ! hell, yay for everybody … except for that little shit Jesus !

  11. Hello

    Yay!!!! for Christine India!!!!

  12. strom

    I like me.

  13. Bluejay

    NOBODY wants to be you.

  14. strom

    The above post is the little imposter.
    It wishes it were me.

  15. strom

    Repeat:Angus T. can also not pull off his attempt at fame very well. What worked for Charlie won’t work for a nobody.

    Poor little imposters and the Pied Piper…ashamed to post under their own names so they want to be strom or like strom but just can’t pull it off. They also can’t comment on the thread…but just squeal when they can talk about their blueberry muffin’s.

  16. strom

    Nearly the above past is by the little reposter. The luck of intelligance shines through the duck.
    It’s not about toasters, it’s all about my creepy anal obsessions

  17. strom

    Cleary the above post is by the little imposter. The lack of intelligence shines through the muck.
    It’s not about posters.

  18. strom

    Poor Strumpet…attempting to trumpet. Unfortunately the post you refer to is by the little imposter….trying to be strom, but incapable mentally of pulling it off. Angus T. can also not pull off his attempt at fame very well. What worked for Charlie won’t work for a nobody.

  19. Rhonda Ortiz-Magro

    Angus, Give aa of the money back and then complain!

  20. Denise

    Yeesh, isn’t this post supposed to be about that 1/2 man on the TV show? Guess not.

  21. Strumpet's Trumpet

    fluidster ?

    I love it when the crazies coin new words, it’s one of the true signs of the apocalypse, like Paris Hilton, Rush Limbaugh, TV evangelism and Strom

  22. strom

    the post above is a call centre imposter enabler gay person loving homo person lesbian knarling fluidster from the island !

  23. strom

    Poor, poor adp always ready to make a hateful and inaccurate comment about posters but mentally unable to post about the thread at hand.

  24. observer

    Christine, you have a cult mentality yourself. Your biases, prejudices, and programming have you continually running around in an endless mental circle going nowhere, like a religious zealot version of strom. Thinking with a clear mind requires effort, but it’s very much worth it. Best wishes.

  25. mish mash

    Whoa, who opened a box of crazy here?

  26. RK 22

    true dat,

    and lakes-o-fire !!!!

  27. Bluejay

    My goodness, all these rants about Christianity, and the non-believers. Some of you must live in a very insulated world. This is a country of immigrants, and the color and religion of the immigrants has changed since the first major influx of 1880-1920. We all pray to our own Gods and Goddesses, and I’m praying for the end of Xmas music 24/7 on the radio, in stores, etc. The only place not shoving it down our throats is Trader Joes. The seasonal religion is Commerce.

  28. Cal

    Mish Mash I agree with you.

  29. strom

    The above comments are by the little imposter and not me.

  30. Christine India

    Keep your eyes fixed on the battle over Jerusalem—Palestians vs Israel. In all the latest news, and THE last sign.

    (All of the above-mentioned can be verified by a simple Google and/or youtube.)

    Ciao, it’s been fun.

  31. Harold M.

    I do think @General Idea is right Christina, after reading your posts today, you do seem bigoted, perhaps unknowingly, but your essential premise is so wrong, so riddled with fallacies, it’s quite hard to know where to start.

    I hope, as a fellow Conservative Christian, that you’d be more intelligent in your arguments, and not resort to such childish and frankly, absurd accusations.

    Pointing fingers in such a ridiculous way, reduces you to the level of that unfortunate Mr. Strom, and it’s neither accurate, supportable or Christian for that matter.

    Your definition of Christian btw, seems far too subjectively self serving, and decidedly un-Christian to boot.

    I’d insert scripture here, but i suspect you can too.

    Fairness and grace is a virtue, hubris is not….

  32. general Idea

    our mommas (bless their hearts) also taught us to reason effectively Christina, to use our brains for good and especially, not to wallow or trade in mere supposition, feckless rumour, hoary myths and outright lies.

    It’s one thing to have faith, but quite another to be a bigot about it !

    tjme to check yourself Miss C.

  33. avoir de pois

    what about anal fluids Strom ? is that an appropriate topic ? you hypocritical, self deluding a**hole !

  34. strom

    …or on an entertainment website

  35. Christine India

    Nina, I know Michelle and Mrs. Joe Biden supposedly have a program to help the vets. Mostly though it has just been talk. (BTW, most everyone knows Joe is senile and nuts).

    Be that as it may, the United Church of Christ in Chicago where Hussein attended is NOT a Christian church. Preacher Jeremiah Wright was broadcast day after day on all TV channels, screaming curse words and most of all saying over and over “G–D—” America. Hussein sat in this church for 20-25 years and then claimed he did not remmeber what Wright said. The liberal media tried to cover it up, but ha ha ha it was played over and over.

    Remember what our mommas taught us: Never discuss politics and religion at a smart dinner party or any social gatherin. It’s suicide.

  36. Nina

    Christine, you do have your facts wrong. I believe President Obama was raised as a Muslim, but when he married Michelle, he converted to Christianity. He went to that Christian church in Chicago, and it was a Bible-believing church. As far as not having veterans in the White House, I do not believe that for a single second. Michelle’s whole platform as First Lady is helping veterans. You think she’d allow him to be so callous toward veterans? Not likely. Plus, I just don’t believe he’s the cold fish you’re imagining him to be. I think you’re just a frustrated Republican who thought Mittens the Twit Romney was going to win the election, when Obama kicked his ASS all over town. All the voters who voted for Obama may not have really wanted to do it, but Mitt Romney is the devil, and they said, “Oh, HELL no, we’re not voting for that asshole.” Obama was definitely the lesser of two evils. The electoral votes certainly proved that. Not to mention that Mittens was named by GQ magazine yesterday as the Least Influential Person of 2012. *Ouch*

  37. strom

    Amazing rants….must be the little imposter has found another victim.

  38. Christine India

    Uh oh, I guess ‘case wasn’t closed’. sorry 🙁

  39. RK 22

    I love America, only in a free society can the ridiculous be posted with such certainty

    @Christine your thinking is tribal, a real village bred mind.

  40. Christine India

    You are all precious.

    Janet, you should put on a thread about our ‘dear leader’ and we could all give our opinions.

  41. Christine India

    You are all pitiful. I am the last one to be a racist. I don’t care if he was purple with yellow dots if he was trust-worthy and had more pity for our wounded vets, but instead he kow-tows to all his Muslim buddies, the false religion who spawned the murderers of 9/11. You will soon see what is coming. Case closed.

  42. Serena

    @Christine India, truly hilarious, wonderful joke.

    wow, ! amazing, you tube ? Really ?

    Ramadan dinners ? Kabbalah ?

    what about Area 51 ? a 5000 year old earth ? the Illuminati ?

    Strom please take your meds, one of your other personalities is emerging !

  43. donnal

    the Anti Christ ?

    Jesus, what a stupid post, race hatred and religious ignorance, yup, thats what I look for in a “Christian”, you are an embarrassment to us Christians with brains.

    I don’t agree with much of Obama’s politics, but his faith and colour have nothing to do with it. Idiots like you Christine trivialize our faith, not strengthen it.

    You bring shame on your family, shame on yourself

  44. Christine India

    Just look at YouTube, boob.

    Michelle herself stated he was born in Kenya.

    When talking to George Stephanopouls, he stated…”my Muslim faith”.

    Obama turned his back on our flag and refused to put his hand over his heart.

    Obama went to Muslim countries, bowed to them, had Muslim Ramadan dinners in the White House, but refused to have wounded veterans in the White House to honor them.

    All this was on NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN and all later posted on youtube.

    I expected such attacks, because liberal Obama-lovers can not stand the truth, as they believe the same.

    Having studied cults, 7th Day Adventists are a little loopy, but they still adhere to the same Gospel. SCientology, Kabbalah, Jehovah’s Witnesses scorn the gospel.

  45. James R.

    dear Christine India,

    when I read this “Seventh Day Adventists is not exactly a cult”, I thought it was one of most ignorant things I’d read on this site, until I read the rest of your post.

    Your depth of ignorance is truly staggering, and I’d suspected you were a bigot a while ago, but held my tongue, but no longer.

    Your hatred and intolerance shows a profound lack of awareness Christine, about people, their religions, even your own faith.

    Your a very stupid woman, and no Christian to boot.

    lakes o fire indeed … you’re probably Strom, if not, you sure could be.

    self hatred much ?

  46. Shelby

    While I agree that Two and a Half Men is one of the filthiest, most worthless shows on TV, I’m more concerned that Angus has gotten himself involved in a cult. I don’t know anything about Seventh Day Adventists, but is sounds uncomfortably like Scientology. I’m surprised Tom Cruise hasn’t swooped in and tried to get Angus into Scientology.

    Christine India, do you know President Obama personally? Ever share a meal with him? Ever spend enough time with him to KNOW positively what his religious affiliation is? I didn’t think so. While you’re certainly entitled to your opinion, do not post inflammatory things that you don’t have absolute certain, personal knowledge of about President Obama or anyone else.

  47. Christine India

    Seventh Day Adventists is not exactly a cult, such as Scientology and Kabbalah. What he needs is a true conversion to Christ and then his bad-mouthing the show would make sense. It basically is a filthy show; I’ve only watched 5 minutes of it to see that.

    BTW, if anyone thinks Barack HUSSEIN Obama is a Christian, I have a bridge in Brooklyn I’d like to see you. A Christian does not bow to Muslims, promote gay marriage, support abortion, turn his back on American flag, etc. He is a Muslim and he has Satan’s smooth tongue to deceive many. A great number believe he is the Anti-Christ. see youtube.

  48. xyz

    @Steve canyon – justify that

  49. mish mash

    I am sooo tired of these ingrates whining about “their art”. $300,000 an episode and he feels dirty? Too bad. Try working for $10 an hour and then bitch.

  50. Steve Canyon

    the basic: HE IS A GOOD MAN.