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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD



He doesn’t LOOK like he’s “gone country” but Aerosmith rocker Steven Tyler recorded his latest single, “Love is Your Name,” in Nashville, and it definitely SOUNDS like country. He’s also signed to the same Dot label as Tim McGraw. But that doesn’t change the fact that he’s going on tour with Aerosmith this summer. Tyler introduced his new song on the season finale of American Idol. Two careers are better than one. And we like his outfit.

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. Eric

    ” So jealous of Strom & the rest of the 1%! ”

    sure Strom, not a bad assessment seemingly … you’re .25 % consciousness, .25% credibility, .25% grace and .25% sophistication,

    there YOU are Strom, there’s YOUR 1 percent …

  2. RonboJin

    I’d rather see him in a hat than barefoot!

    Have you seen his feet? I just threw up a little in my mouth thinking about them!


  3. Stroma (lost my nuts)

    I am SO jealous of all the wit.

  4. Strom

    Poor Poor little multiple imposters….JCH should throw you out in the ghetto where you love to grovel.

    So jealous of Strom & the rest of the 1%!

  5. diva

    I’d like to see his closet

  6. ah-yuck

    These rockers from yesteryear must have done some good drugs. Most of them still have all their hair. Rock on Steven!

  7. Stix Zadinia

    Love Aerosmith!

  8. mister baja

    ask him to go for a swim, hahahahahahaha

  9. Stroma

    Oh God! Do those boots come in a 13EE?

  10. Stroma

    I love the multiple necklaces, bracelets and rings!
    Such a fashion statement!

  11. Gina Catone

    I want to see him in short shorts, and so would cousin Strom!
    Isn’t that right, cuz?

  12. Philberto Cardenez

    Old geyser