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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Once again, WE TOLD YA SO! Way back on April 4, we revealed that new mom Paris Hilton was already in the process of having a SECOND baby with a surrogate and this time it was a girl. Well guess what? Today, Paris announced that she just welcomed a baby girl named London via surrogate! She gets what she wants – with no stretch marks! We are now hearing that Paris’ dream is to have TWINS so she’s working with another surrogate as we speak in hopes of making THAT a reality.


Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Diva

    Money can buy babies.

  2. emmy

    Stupid bimbo has no idea how to look after a baby, those kids should be taken away from her

  3. Parker Schnabel

    She’s revolting.

  4. Rosa

    Janet please your readers how you’re getting these big news storys. I have been a reader of you’re column for a long time and suddenly these storys are more exciting.

  5. Arlene from Dragons Den

    She will treat them like her dogs and monkey. Toss them aside when she get’s bored.

    After all of the adult videos, drugs , alcohol and filth her body could never produce a healthy baby.