Did too much testosterone have something to do with the senseless shooting rampage that left 3 children and 3 adults dead in Nashville? According to reports, the shooter, 28-year-old Audrey Hale, was transitioning from female to male and had already changed her name to Aiden. Some are speculating that she also started taking high dosages of testosterone as she underwent her transition and now authorities are investigating whether the male hormone was responsible for what is commonly known as “roid rage.” It doesn’t make sense that a mild mannered, shy, cat-loving artist (above, in undated photo) would morph into a deranged killer. Women rarely commit these crimes. That’s why authorities are looking into the testosterone theory.
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Let’s say a chemical imbalance is the reason for her rage. Wouldn’t it make sense to make it impossible for her–and anyone else– to walk into a sporting goods store and buy an assault weapon?
Is it just me or does she resemble Pete Davidson?
Women prefer to kill in slow painful ways. Just ask any married man. That’s why men die younger than women.
She looks like a church lady
If this is the case–and right now, we don’t know–I wonder what kind of medical care she was under? A reputable health professional would know the correct amount of hormones to administer, and provide a sensible schedule for successful transitioning. Also–could she have bought these hormones online from a non-reputable source? However, she had detailed maps of the school and had seemingly planned this assault for months; how does that jive with taking all of these hormones so quickly? Hoping we know more sooner than later! :I