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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


You don’t see a lot of photos of Warren Beatty and Annette Bening’s children, but their youngest girl Ella, 16, turned up at a screening of dad’s movie Rules Don’t Apply. Ella’s older brother Stephen, 24, is transgender and a graduate of Sarah Lawrence College. Stephen now lives in Iowa with his boyfriend Liam and not long ago announced that he wants to have children. To his credit, Warren has rolled with the punches and adores his kids and all their differences. Surprisingly, playboy Warren turned out to be an involved and devoted husband and dad.

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. Mona

    16 ??!!

    My, but they do ripen early in Hollywood.

    She’s stunning: you can see the resemblance to her beautiful mom–and to her Aunt Shirley.

    With luck, Warren’s brood will end up better adjusted than their troubled cousin Sachi Parker.

  2. Ted cruise

    Children should not be exploited on blogs like this.

  3. Jackie

    Wow! She sure is pretty.