RayKimcutjpgWhen Ray J showed up at a Hollywood club holding hands with Lil’ Kim on Saturday night everybody wondered- What happened to Whitney Houston? Just a few weeks ago, Ray and Whitney seemed to be having a great time in Las Vegas. Ray’s friends say it’s not over with Whitney. She simply tries to avoid clubs while she’s in recovery. Lil’ Kim is a longtime friend of Ray – a few years back they had a hit song together “Wait a Minute.” (see photo) Right now they’re planning to remake an updated version of the same hit. So that’s what they’re talking about. Ray’s friends insist Whitney is STILL very much in the picture.

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  1. 2 ugly unwashed singers that had a semi hit song,whoooooooooooopi fcking do

  2. Ray J is NOTHING a Nobody.who gives a f@ck about him.Plus hes ugly and dating a crack headed dyke.

  3. Lil Kim aint nothing but a greasy azzed chicken winged biotch.She stole my look and I will get her one day.She aint nothing but a mud flapped she man.

  4. I dont know who these people are.Are they tap dancers or those jungle dancers? Whoever they are they are a fright to behold.Makes me glad I have a security system.Actors and the such are truly a vulgar bunch.In my day this type was the help.

  5. somehow the picture of those two fugs dancing together fully clothed is just as nasty as the porn tapes ray j is trying to sell to us.
    did lil kim beat the hairstylists asses because the peroxide needed to bleach her fro to platinum burned her scalp?lil kim’s real name is Inga.
    now that his sister brandy is going to go on trial for accidentally murdering another driver, maybe ray j sees this as his moment to try to be famous???? i think that these fugs should get in the car with brandy and go for a “road trip”.

  6. Oh come on! ….. This lil well hung dawg Ray-J is playing/ploughing the field! Can’t you see? It shows! 🙂

  7. inga is foxxie brown kim is kimberly jones. some of these comments are pretty damn racist.

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