Anyone here who could defend Alec shouldn’t be a parent. If you think it is EVER okay to talk to a kid like that, you should be neutered.
god Sunseeds 777 you must be in love with kim?
He blew up probably because his daughter was being a typical preteen who was disrespectful (yes, even the nicest preteen can get an attitude with their parents at times). It sounds like the kid didn’t accept her father’s scheduled phone calls and he had his fill of it. If the mother sent this out to the media she is the worst offender by far. Shame on her.
If a parent can’t handle their kids well, they can always give them a drug…
But, what we do here in the sticks. We wear their asses out in the form of a small paddling and/or get them into a sport where they run out of energy, and then take a nap, then run them some more. Clearly, what’s the end product is of all this is parental bonding.
Maybe that’s why the kid is acting out in public, he wants to have some fun… But your too busy focusing on something that “it” feels is boring.
With that said I think I’ll go to my local store and watch kids “act out”.
Instead of calling CPS, why don’t you walk up and say something to the person.
Say something to them in a logic fashion where in which the child is listening as well as the parent. Something which will make that party think about what their doing.
When you get the government involved, all this really will do is put more distress on the family.
When little kids are throwing a tantrum. Who do you call for this in the government?
No doubt, you just think it’s cute. But, if nobody says anything to that kid, well how do you think brats made.
People aren’t going to go off in a tizzy if you say – something SHORT and non-threatening.. like “my little girl /boy doesn’t act like that out in public”, or something that the child will stop a second and think about their actions.
The kid is looking for a response from somebody. If you don’t give any, your just as much a part of the problem.
Kim should have used better judgment on releasing this audio message to the public where her daughter will get the brunt of the message.
Let me take the website one step further, maybe upload those voice mails to say a shrink to dissect and then have him give a rebuttal on what kind of counseling they need to get their marriage back on track.
Sounds complicated, hmm. Maybe make it a TV show… Wonder if Dr. Phil has something like that, but this could also be applied to radio as well.
They the company which produced and marketed such an idea, could have it downloadable in a MP3 format or podcast it (fancy name for it).
Do you think anybody would be interested in such a show – I’m asking the gallery here?
Baldwin is out of line to speak to anyone like that, and most especially his only child.
If you speak to your children in a similar manner, you are an abusive parent and I’m calling CPS on your a**.
You know what would be a neat website to create is one where in which people who are having marriage problems and such can upload their voice mail and then share them to the whole world for a dollar if both parties agree on that.
I mean, think about getting back at your ex- and having everybody know about your problems and such. LOL.
That’d be alot of fun!
Course, when you charge people to listen to your messages, who’s to say their not entirely made up. People do some dumb things for a buck.
I mean, look at the folks who show up on Jerry Springer. How come they always show people who are ignorant, but not the well heeled rich folks?
Wonder if Alec and Kim would be willing to bash it out on TV, talk about a rating bonanza.
Hey, better yet that might be a good spoof for Alec TV show “30 Rock”, a he said, she said kind of show.
They’ll get a divorce and send the daughter off to boarding school where she’ll get a private education.
Alec career is going to continue and Kim will enter rehab for detoxification and will have mental problems from now on out.
(This sounds a lot like how Donald Trump first marriage failed. Wonder if Alec has a hot looking girlfriend on the side, lucky mf. IF SO, Somebody tell him – don’t get married, just have a bunch of them). As women are so vile, read their inputs here!!
Kim is a has been actor, she’s been replaced by younger actors – this little stunt is going to just derail her career further. She’s got the sympathy of the viewing public, but selling her image to producers is out of the question.
Wonder if she’s ever thought about doing some work in the porn industry. They’re always looking for ladies to take it up the rear or swallow some spunk. I mean, that’s what I heard… No guarantees.
kim is right i agree with her 100%
Excuse me 8:47, I grew up in a very loving and caring home, i am proud of my parents and siblings. Sorry, no dysfunction here….but that is the whole point….you don’t even know who you are talking to and you are already making judgement against me….my best friends are my brothers and sisters. When you are a child, you WILL push buttons, and a parent WILL lose their temper. Are you going to tell me that your mother never said to you “just wait until your father gets home!”. Granted he should never have name called but, how many times did this happen before? This is a frustrated father wanting to speak to his daughter. How many times did she not pick up the phone? How many times did he try and call and the phone was shut off? and exactly what has her mother been saying to her about him….no one knows what goes on in that house but the 3 of them….this is really none of anyones business…if she wanted to show what a monster he is…then she should have played it for a judge or her legal counsel. Hey, he can’t have been all bad, she DID fall in love with him, she DID marry him and she DID have a child WITH him…or maybe SHE is the same as he is?
oh, and 8:42, get out of the corn fields and try the real world, you might like it…
Mario Lavenderia aka perez hilton
So what?That kid is a nightmare ive been told,She needs a good swift kick in her ass as well,way to go alec
anon 10:58
what happened? After the judge heard the tape, the court immediately suspended Alec’s visitation and contact rights. There is a hearing on May 4th to determine further what to do. So, Ireland is ok. Alec didn’t get to her.
I think he’s just a selfish actor who’s incapable of natural love and affection.
Nothing the kids at school could say to her could be worst than having your own father berate you.
Alec Baldwin is a big ugly piece of dog poo. Kim should sue and will get full custody. He should be in jail
I think Kim needs to apologize to Alec and her daughter who she allowed millions of people to eavesdrop on this private message to her.
What do you think the kids at school are going to say to her .
You think the public is having their say about this, wait till the kids at school start asking her questions and then start making jokes about it.
We’re talking about a very shallow mother.
If you think what she did was a great thing, you most certainly need help too.
You know if Alec didn’t get upset at what his kid was doing would be one thing.
Clearly, he and lawyers can see what Kim is doing and all she is doing is digging herself a hole.
So he sent a voice mail to “KIM”, not his daughter.
Kim thought this would be a great way to put the guy on the spot and get a big laugh out of it.
Wonder if Alec has any voice mails from her – talking trash?
Of course, he knows not to air that kind of stuff to the world, because that’s personal.
There’s lots of ways that could have been leaked. Maybe Ireland let one of her friends hear it. It was on her phone not Kims.
For 6:52. No I was thankfully never ever on the receiving end of anything so horrible from either of my parents. Even when they were super mad they never cussed at us or called us names. Unfortunately there are so many dysfunctional people that think it’s ok to do that to their kids. It’s so wrong. That is what makes more dysfuncional people.
If Alec had any brains he’d have a blood test done on that little girl to find out if she’s really his.
Imagine how spoiled that little girl must be.
Like daughter like mother.
Hey, guys – who wants to date KIM ?
I’ll bet she can find some Italian Stallion of Ivana’s to cure her ills.
If I were Alec Baldwin I’d sue her. I mean, did she tell him she was recording his voice for mass distribution?
Did she receive any kind financial benefit from this ?
Or was this just a way to create some animosity , because Alec career on NBC is making him really popular and he’s getting great scripts sent to him all the time and well, Kims career is in the toilet ?
Why do celebrity parents fight? They’re not fighting over money – it has to be somebody is jealous.
Thankfully, it WAS made public. Maybe that A Hole Alec will be forced to attend anger management classes before he EVER gets to see his daughter again!
If Alec was my ex, I’d want the whole freakin world to know what he’s really like. I’ve heard him lose his temper and throw a fit before on the radio but, to talk to your own daughter like that, to call her a pig, is horrible. He is a horrible man!
What could Kim possibly be telling her that isn’t true.
Look, I agree parents have ranted at their kids before. BUT: they live with those kids and have to endure their sulkiness, whining, rolling eyes, messy bedrooms, lazy behaviour, not helping out, etc etc.
Ireland lives on the west coast, Alec lives on the east coast. He does not live with her day by day. He doesn’t even live in the same town as her. What in the world does he have to get upset about? He is not the primary parent and does NOT see her daily. He was pissed because she didn’t answer the phone. Big deal. That is no reason to go overboard, scream, rant and threaten to get on a plane and “straigten her out”. That is a threat and extremely frightening to me, and I’m not an 11-year old girl. I don’t think Kim is filling Ireland’s head with anything. I think Alec is a control-freak, he is pissed he can’t control Kim & Ireland anymore and he has anger issues. And he is pissed its all been revealed. He is an asshole as many other people have noted.
Even though Ireland seems to be smiling in above photo, I see a sadness underneath. Like she’s wiser than her years and her innocent spirit has been squelched.
I’m sure all the posts that say it shouldn’t have been released are from males and not Mothers. I’m a mom and if anyone was tormenting my child and I knew, you better believe everyone is going to hear me.
sick of you
This is hardly the first time we have seen this. As much as his people try to keep it out of the press, Alec Baldwin is KNOWN for being a mean, menacing, out of control man. This has been witnessed many, many times.
Too bad your daughter has to tolerate this kind of horseshit from you, Alec. If you’re such a bad ass, go pick on someone your own size.
blah, blah, blah, chances are she IS spoiled brat, you have not lived in their house…i am sure she is fillng her head with lies as well…this should have never been made public. i am sorry, but this is wrong.
the citizens of America
Kim did nothing wrong in releasing the tape. If he wasn’t doing anything wrong, why would he care who heard it? He says he should have parented differently?????
1. Screaming at your child is not parenting.
2. Calling your little girl a pig is not parenting.
3.Telling your daughter that she is stupid is not parenting.
4.Verbally trashing your child’s mother is not parenting. If Kim is as bad as you say she is, you are doing the exact same thing with your behavior.
5.Threatening your little girl is not parenting. To tell her that you are flying cross country to “set her ass straight” is not parenting. Even if the kid is being a complete spoiled brat, which I doubt, you are only DEMONSTRATING how to be even more spoiled and bratty!
6.Terrorizing your child is not parenting. What in the world were you planning to do to her? You screamed, swore, insulted and chewed her ass out on the phone. What in the hell did you have in mind for her when you told her you were coming out west to “set her ass straight”? You told her she had “better get ready”.
7. You don’t take any responsibility for anything. Why are you always whining that you are a victim.
8. Not one word out of your big filthy mouth conveyed anything but negativity and hatred.
9. Your phone call, Alec, was an assault. You seriously need help. I pray for your daughter.
Oh big freaking whoop. A parent reams their kids and practically rips them a new one. Not exactly earth shattering news nor does it make them abusive. I’m sure everyone in here has been an obnoxious pre-pubescent kid whose parents went ballistic on them on more than one ocassion.
I don’t know about him being a wife beater, but if he is and the child was privy to this, then I’d avoid his calls too if I were here. Otherwise, she’s playing mind games.
any one of you can’t tell me you have not been on the reiceving end of your parents rant before in your life, although what he said was wrong, you CAN NOT TELL ME, you have not been on the receiving end of some of his gargabe, although i do not condonte this gargabe, image this man’s frustration, all he wants to do is talk to his daughter. she should have NEVER given this to TMZ!
How about his ridiculous excuse of why he said it. HELLO? THERE IS NO EXCUSE! He’s worried about the effects releasing this will have on his daughter. I guess he would have liked to have kept the abuse private. He’s the only one that caused any damage to her, not the releasing of any voice mail.
Alec is fat and mouthy
The asshole should have known better. If Kim is out to get him like he claims, he should have known better. Asshole.
the voice mail he left gave me chills. it was terrifying to me, and my father was nowhere near as abusive as Alec Baldwin seems to be. if I had ever gotten a message like that from a parent, I would have taken it to court myself to try. no amount of apologizing is enough. the only circumstances under which he should ever be allowed to see or speak to her again are when she’s older and *if* she decides she wants to talk to him on *her* terms.
Alec Baldwin is a wife beater and an abuser. He should be arrested for child abuse.
Tweety sweety do you live in a cave? Listen on
I don’t believe Kim has to pump her full of anything. I’m sure she’s been witness to her mother being battered and abused. She may only be 11 but I,m sure she know what time it is.
I felt afraid for that little girl. If he really was dissapointed he could have verbalized it in a loving way. The mans got serious problems. I would avoid his phone calls too. If that’s how he treats his daughter who he supposedly loves, imagine how he abused Kim. Now everyone knows Kim was not lying about him. He’s a monster.
He’s a disgrace for a human being and certainly not father material.
It’s called eating your own.
Alec Baldwin is a big fat loser. shame on him. I’m on Kim’s side.
Somebody PLEASR fill me in! This is first I’ve heard…What do he SAY???
west hollywood person
Kim basinger is my kind of woman more power to her way the go girl!
west hollywood person
Kim basinger is my kind of woman more power to her way the go girl!
Art Chic
AB is a verbal abuser.
AB is a verbal abuser.
AB is a verbal abuser.
AB is a verbal abuser.
AB is a verbal abuser.
AB is a verbal abuser.
AB is a verbal abuser.
this kid was probably being a BRAT and Alec lost his cool. Not to mention the things WACKY Kim puts this child up too just to make him mad!!! Alec- in the future do not blow up at your baby girl- wait to until you calm down- address her in person, and remember Kimpossible is pumping her full of $#@t!!!
Alec should LOSE custody. Shame on him. He’s a pig!
Anyone here who could defend Alec shouldn’t be a parent. If you think it is EVER okay to talk to a kid like that, you should be neutered.
god Sunseeds 777 you must be in love with kim?
He blew up probably because his daughter was being a typical preteen who was disrespectful (yes, even the nicest preteen can get an attitude with their parents at times). It sounds like the kid didn’t accept her father’s scheduled phone calls and he had his fill of it. If the mother sent this out to the media she is the worst offender by far. Shame on her.
If a parent can’t handle their kids well, they can always give them a drug…
But, what we do here in the sticks. We wear their asses out in the form of a small paddling and/or get them into a sport where they run out of energy, and then take a nap, then run them some more. Clearly, what’s the end product is of all this is parental bonding.
Maybe that’s why the kid is acting out in public, he wants to have some fun… But your too busy focusing on something that “it” feels is boring.
With that said I think I’ll go to my local store and watch kids “act out”.
Instead of calling CPS, why don’t you walk up and say something to the person.
Say something to them in a logic fashion where in which the child is listening as well as the parent. Something which will make that party think about what their doing.
When you get the government involved, all this really will do is put more distress on the family.
When little kids are throwing a tantrum. Who do you call for this in the government?
No doubt, you just think it’s cute. But, if nobody says anything to that kid, well how do you think brats made.
People aren’t going to go off in a tizzy if you say – something SHORT and non-threatening.. like “my little girl /boy doesn’t act like that out in public”, or something that the child will stop a second and think about their actions.
The kid is looking for a response from somebody. If you don’t give any, your just as much a part of the problem.
Kim should have used better judgment on releasing this audio message to the public where her daughter will get the brunt of the message.
Let me take the website one step further, maybe upload those voice mails to say a shrink to dissect and then have him give a rebuttal on what kind of counseling they need to get their marriage back on track.
Sounds complicated, hmm. Maybe make it a TV show… Wonder if Dr. Phil has something like that, but this could also be applied to radio as well.
They the company which produced and marketed such an idea, could have it downloadable in a MP3 format or podcast it (fancy name for it).
Do you think anybody would be interested in such a show – I’m asking the gallery here?
Baldwin is out of line to speak to anyone like that, and most especially his only child.
If you speak to your children in a similar manner, you are an abusive parent and I’m calling CPS on your a**.
You know what would be a neat website to create is one where in which people who are having marriage problems and such can upload their voice mail and then share them to the whole world for a dollar if both parties agree on that.
I mean, think about getting back at your ex- and having everybody know about your problems and such. LOL.
That’d be alot of fun!
Course, when you charge people to listen to your messages, who’s to say their not entirely made up. People do some dumb things for a buck.
I mean, look at the folks who show up on Jerry Springer. How come they always show people who are ignorant, but not the well heeled rich folks?
Wonder if Alec and Kim would be willing to bash it out on TV, talk about a rating bonanza.
Hey, better yet that might be a good spoof for Alec TV show “30 Rock”, a he said, she said kind of show.
They’ll get a divorce and send the daughter off to boarding school where she’ll get a private education.
Alec career is going to continue and Kim will enter rehab for detoxification and will have mental problems from now on out.
(This sounds a lot like how Donald Trump first marriage failed. Wonder if Alec has a hot looking girlfriend on the side, lucky mf. IF SO, Somebody tell him – don’t get married, just have a bunch of them). As women are so vile, read their inputs here!!
Kim is a has been actor, she’s been replaced by younger actors – this little stunt is going to just derail her career further. She’s got the sympathy of the viewing public, but selling her image to producers is out of the question.
Wonder if she’s ever thought about doing some work in the porn industry. They’re always looking for ladies to take it up the rear or swallow some spunk. I mean, that’s what I heard… No guarantees.
kim is right i agree with her 100%
Excuse me 8:47, I grew up in a very loving and caring home, i am proud of my parents and siblings. Sorry, no dysfunction here….but that is the whole point….you don’t even know who you are talking to and you are already making judgement against me….my best friends are my brothers and sisters. When you are a child, you WILL push buttons, and a parent WILL lose their temper. Are you going to tell me that your mother never said to you “just wait until your father gets home!”. Granted he should never have name called but, how many times did this happen before? This is a frustrated father wanting to speak to his daughter. How many times did she not pick up the phone? How many times did he try and call and the phone was shut off? and exactly what has her mother been saying to her about him….no one knows what goes on in that house but the 3 of them….this is really none of anyones business…if she wanted to show what a monster he is…then she should have played it for a judge or her legal counsel. Hey, he can’t have been all bad, she DID fall in love with him, she DID marry him and she DID have a child WITH him…or maybe SHE is the same as he is?
oh, and 8:42, get out of the corn fields and try the real world, you might like it…
Mario Lavenderia aka perez hilton
So what?That kid is a nightmare ive been told,She needs a good swift kick in her ass as well,way to go alec
anon 10:58
what happened? After the judge heard the tape, the court immediately suspended Alec’s visitation and contact rights. There is a hearing on May 4th to determine further what to do. So, Ireland is ok. Alec didn’t get to her.
I think he’s just a selfish actor who’s incapable of natural love and affection.
Nothing the kids at school could say to her could be worst than having your own father berate you.
Alec Baldwin is a big ugly piece of dog poo. Kim should sue and will get full custody. He should be in jail
I think Kim needs to apologize to Alec and her daughter who she allowed millions of people to eavesdrop on this private message to her.
What do you think the kids at school are going to say to her .
You think the public is having their say about this, wait till the kids at school start asking her questions and then start making jokes about it.
We’re talking about a very shallow mother.
If you think what she did was a great thing, you most certainly need help too.
You know if Alec didn’t get upset at what his kid was doing would be one thing.
Clearly, he and lawyers can see what Kim is doing and all she is doing is digging herself a hole.
So he sent a voice mail to “KIM”, not his daughter.
Kim thought this would be a great way to put the guy on the spot and get a big laugh out of it.
Wonder if Alec has any voice mails from her – talking trash?
Of course, he knows not to air that kind of stuff to the world, because that’s personal.
There’s lots of ways that could have been leaked. Maybe Ireland let one of her friends hear it. It was on her phone not Kims.
For 6:52. No I was thankfully never ever on the receiving end of anything so horrible from either of my parents. Even when they were super mad they never cussed at us or called us names. Unfortunately there are so many dysfunctional people that think it’s ok to do that to their kids. It’s so wrong. That is what makes more dysfuncional people.
If Alec had any brains he’d have a blood test done on that little girl to find out if she’s really his.
Imagine how spoiled that little girl must be.
Like daughter like mother.
Hey, guys – who wants to date KIM ?
I’ll bet she can find some Italian Stallion of Ivana’s to cure her ills.
If I were Alec Baldwin I’d sue her. I mean, did she tell him she was recording his voice for mass distribution?
Did she receive any kind financial benefit from this ?
Or was this just a way to create some animosity , because Alec career on NBC is making him really popular and he’s getting great scripts sent to him all the time and well, Kims career is in the toilet ?
Why do celebrity parents fight? They’re not fighting over money – it has to be somebody is jealous.
Thankfully, it WAS made public. Maybe that A Hole Alec will be forced to attend anger management classes before he EVER gets to see his daughter again!
If Alec was my ex, I’d want the whole freakin world to know what he’s really like. I’ve heard him lose his temper and throw a fit before on the radio but, to talk to your own daughter like that, to call her a pig, is horrible. He is a horrible man!
What could Kim possibly be telling her that isn’t true.
Look, I agree parents have ranted at their kids before. BUT: they live with those kids and have to endure their sulkiness, whining, rolling eyes, messy bedrooms, lazy behaviour, not helping out, etc etc.
Ireland lives on the west coast, Alec lives on the east coast. He does not live with her day by day. He doesn’t even live in the same town as her. What in the world does he have to get upset about? He is not the primary parent and does NOT see her daily. He was pissed because she didn’t answer the phone. Big deal. That is no reason to go overboard, scream, rant and threaten to get on a plane and “straigten her out”. That is a threat and extremely frightening to me, and I’m not an 11-year old girl. I don’t think Kim is filling Ireland’s head with anything. I think Alec is a control-freak, he is pissed he can’t control Kim & Ireland anymore and he has anger issues. And he is pissed its all been revealed. He is an asshole as many other people have noted.
Even though Ireland seems to be smiling in above photo, I see a sadness underneath. Like she’s wiser than her years and her innocent spirit has been squelched.
I’m sure all the posts that say it shouldn’t have been released are from males and not Mothers. I’m a mom and if anyone was tormenting my child and I knew, you better believe everyone is going to hear me.
sick of you
This is hardly the first time we have seen this. As much as his people try to keep it out of the press, Alec Baldwin is KNOWN for being a mean, menacing, out of control man. This has been witnessed many, many times.
Too bad your daughter has to tolerate this kind of horseshit from you, Alec. If you’re such a bad ass, go pick on someone your own size.
blah, blah, blah, chances are she IS spoiled brat, you have not lived in their house…i am sure she is fillng her head with lies as well…this should have never been made public. i am sorry, but this is wrong.
the citizens of America
Kim did nothing wrong in releasing the tape. If he wasn’t doing anything wrong, why would he care who heard it? He says he should have parented differently?????
1. Screaming at your child is not parenting.
2. Calling your little girl a pig is not parenting.
3.Telling your daughter that she is stupid is not parenting.
4.Verbally trashing your child’s mother is not parenting. If Kim is as bad as you say she is, you are doing the exact same thing with your behavior.
5.Threatening your little girl is not parenting. To tell her that you are flying cross country to “set her ass straight” is not parenting. Even if the kid is being a complete spoiled brat, which I doubt, you are only DEMONSTRATING how to be even more spoiled and bratty!
6.Terrorizing your child is not parenting. What in the world were you planning to do to her? You screamed, swore, insulted and chewed her ass out on the phone. What in the hell did you have in mind for her when you told her you were coming out west to “set her ass straight”? You told her she had “better get ready”.
7. You don’t take any responsibility for anything. Why are you always whining that you are a victim.
8. Not one word out of your big filthy mouth conveyed anything but negativity and hatred.
9. Your phone call, Alec, was an assault. You seriously need help. I pray for your daughter.
Oh big freaking whoop. A parent reams their kids and practically rips them a new one. Not exactly earth shattering news nor does it make them abusive. I’m sure everyone in here has been an obnoxious pre-pubescent kid whose parents went ballistic on them on more than one ocassion.
I don’t know about him being a wife beater, but if he is and the child was privy to this, then I’d avoid his calls too if I were here. Otherwise, she’s playing mind games.
any one of you can’t tell me you have not been on the reiceving end of your parents rant before in your life, although what he said was wrong, you CAN NOT TELL ME, you have not been on the receiving end of some of his gargabe, although i do not condonte this gargabe, image this man’s frustration, all he wants to do is talk to his daughter. she should have NEVER given this to TMZ!
How about his ridiculous excuse of why he said it. HELLO? THERE IS NO EXCUSE! He’s worried about the effects releasing this will have on his daughter. I guess he would have liked to have kept the abuse private. He’s the only one that caused any damage to her, not the releasing of any voice mail.
Alec is fat and mouthy
The asshole should have known better. If Kim is out to get him like he claims, he should have known better. Asshole.
the voice mail he left gave me chills. it was terrifying to me, and my father was nowhere near as abusive as Alec Baldwin seems to be. if I had ever gotten a message like that from a parent, I would have taken it to court myself to try. no amount of apologizing is enough. the only circumstances under which he should ever be allowed to see or speak to her again are when she’s older and *if* she decides she wants to talk to him on *her* terms.
Alec Baldwin is a wife beater and an abuser. He should be arrested for child abuse.
Tweety sweety do you live in a cave? Listen on
I don’t believe Kim has to pump her full of anything. I’m sure she’s been witness to her mother being battered and abused. She may only be 11 but I,m sure she know what time it is.
I felt afraid for that little girl. If he really was dissapointed he could have verbalized it in a loving way. The mans got serious problems. I would avoid his phone calls too. If that’s how he treats his daughter who he supposedly loves, imagine how he abused Kim. Now everyone knows Kim was not lying about him. He’s a monster.
He’s a disgrace for a human being and certainly not father material.
It’s called eating your own.
Alec Baldwin is a big fat loser. shame on him. I’m on Kim’s side.
Somebody PLEASR fill me in! This is first I’ve heard…What do he SAY???
west hollywood person
Kim basinger is my kind of woman more power to her way the go girl!
west hollywood person
Kim basinger is my kind of woman more power to her way the go girl!
Art Chic
AB is a verbal abuser.
AB is a verbal abuser.
AB is a verbal abuser.
AB is a verbal abuser.
AB is a verbal abuser.
AB is a verbal abuser.
AB is a verbal abuser.
this kid was probably being a BRAT and Alec lost his cool. Not to mention the things WACKY Kim puts this child up too just to make him mad!!! Alec- in the future do not blow up at your baby girl- wait to until you calm down- address her in person, and remember Kimpossible is pumping her full of $#@t!!!
Alec should LOSE custody. Shame on him. He’s a pig!